1 | BE-20161368 | BE-3106243 | | Team A&M Vanhee - A | | 16-09-2016 10:17:40,70 | 1.550,5879 |
2 | PT-20160709 | PT-6330018 | | Hexa Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carlinhos | 16-09-2016 10:17:47,10 | 1.549,6022 |
3 | DE-20161872 | DE-1342-695 | | H. Peyrick & S. Rewald | | 16-09-2016 10:17:51,10 | 1.548,9867 |
4 | PL-20161061 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - C | | 16-09-2016 10:17:55,30 | 1.548,3410 |
5 | DE-20161555 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - B | FREDDY | 16-09-2016 10:17:56,20 | 1.548,2027 |
6 | NL-20160756 | NL-1870061 | | Hok M. Reijnen - L | | 16-09-2016 10:17:57,60 | 1.547,9876 |
7 | BE-20160295 | BE-6056347 | | Diamonds Dreams | Dark Chequer | 16-09-2016 10:18:01,50 | 1.547,3888 |
8 | NL-20160621 | NL-4430840 | | Gert Rotman | | 16-09-2016 10:18:01,70 | 1.547,3581 |
9 | IE-20161809 | IE-N9304 | | Vicent Cooney | | 16-09-2016 10:18:03,30 | 1.547,1126 |
10 | DE-20161665 | | | Team Schnellin | Ral Smiths | 16-09-2016 10:18:03,30 | 1.547,1126 |
11 | DE-20160452 | DE-2733-632 | | Familie Soellner - B | | 16-09-2016 10:18:04,50 | 1.546,9285 |
12 | PT-20161222 | PT-6252172 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - K | | 16-09-2016 10:18:06,50 | 1.546,6217 |
13 | PT-20160626 | | | Golden Wings - A | | 16-09-2016 10:18:08,10 | 1.546,3764 |
14 | SK-20160667 | SK-999-1388 | | Greg Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:18:08,30 | 1.546,3458 |
15 | RO-20161465 | RO-290822 | | Team Daniel Pisla & George Vihtan | | 16-09-2016 10:18:08,40 | 1.546,3304 |
16 | PT-20160074 | | | Asas do Sul | | 16-09-2016 10:18:09,30 | 1.546,1925 |
17 | NL-20160751 | NL-1870050 | | Hok M. Reijnen - K | | 16-09-2016 10:18:14,00 | 1.545,4726 |
18 | NL-20161858 | | | Will & Dirk Geudens | GEUKE 1 | 16-09-2016 10:18:15,90 | 1.545,1817 |
19 | BE-20160105 | BE-6082088 | | Henk and Nicole de Weerd // Activated by Roli Wirz | | 16-09-2016 10:18:16,00 | 1.545,1664 |
20 | BE-20160991 | | | Leo Heremans | Leo | 16-09-2016 10:18:16,40 | 1.545,1052 |
21 | DE-20160284 | DE-1074341 | | Daniel Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:18:25,00 | 1.543,7902 |
22 | NL-20160160 | NL-1539978 | | C. Van Gelder - B | Theo | 16-09-2016 10:18:28,10 | 1.543,3167 |
23 | PT-20161015 | PT-6311303 | | Luis Gomes | | 16-09-2016 10:18:28,30 | 1.543,2862 |
24 | AT-20161379 | AT-503-607 | | Team Austria Wiefler - A | Gaby | 16-09-2016 10:18:29,00 | 1.543,1793 |
25 | SK-20160942 | | | Krajcik Daniel & Andrea | Bozenka | 16-09-2016 10:18:32,90 | 1.542,5842 |
26 | BE-20160384 | BE-3016448 | | Emiel Denys - A | | 16-09-2016 10:18:33,20 | 1.542,5385 |
27 | NL-20160264 | NL-3640853 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - E | | 16-09-2016 10:18:34,40 | 1.542,3555 |
28 | NL-20161768 | NL-1538746 | | Ton de Kovel & Tower Flyers Loft | TFL 4 | 16-09-2016 10:18:35,10 | 1.542,2487 |
29 | BE-20160394 | BE-3016643 | | Emiel Denys - D | | 16-09-2016 10:18:39,40 | 1.541,5934 |
30 | SK-20161817 | | | Vladimir Las | Gabi | 16-09-2016 10:18:40,10 | 1.541,4867 |
31 | IE-20161493 | IE-S118169 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - D | Philo | 16-09-2016 10:18:42,90 | 1.541,0604 |
32 | DE-20160670 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - A | | 16-09-2016 10:18:45,90 | 1.540,6038 |
33 | NL-20160750 | NL-1870008 | | Hok M. Reijnen - K | | 16-09-2016 10:18:46,70 | 1.540,4821 |
34 | BE-20161372 | BE-3106223 | | Team A&M Vanhee - B | | 16-09-2016 10:18:46,80 | 1.540,4669 |
35 | NL-20161509 | NL-1032861 | | Team Friesland - B | Femke | 16-09-2016 10:18:49,00 | 1.540,1323 |
36 | NL-20160332 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - C | Exodus | 16-09-2016 10:18:49,70 | 1.540,0259 |
37 | BE-20160396 | BE-3016278 | | Emiel Denys - D | | 16-09-2016 10:18:50,50 | 1.539,9042 |
38 | CH-20161870 | CH-3793 | | ZG Helios Bucher & Gehrken | | 16-09-2016 10:18:53,10 | 1.539,5091 |
39 | DE-20160576 | | | Georg. Oswald - A | | 16-09-2016 10:18:56,80 | 1.538,9472 |
40 | ES-20161621 | ES-244883 | | Team Perla - D | | 16-09-2016 10:18:57,00 | 1.538,9168 |
41 | NL-20160489 | | | Florian Hendriks | | 16-09-2016 10:19:00,60 | 1.538,3705 |
42 | ES-20161623 | ES-244885 | | Team Perla - E | | 16-09-2016 10:19:08,20 | 1.537,2184 |
43 | PT-20161833 | | | Os Barros - B | | 16-09-2016 10:19:09,60 | 1.537,0064 |
44 | NL-20160719 | NL-1870003 | | Hok M. Reijnen - C | | 16-09-2016 10:19:10,60 | 1.536,8550 |
45 | BE-20160014 | BE-2155195 | | Alaerts Jonah & Noah | Zwart | 16-09-2016 10:19:37,10 | 1.532,8532 |
46 | NL-20161502 | NL-1413932 | | Team Flying Dutchman | Bam Bam | 16-09-2016 10:20:01,30 | 1.529,2169 |
47 | BE-20161371 | BE-3106231 | | Team A&M Vanhee - B | | 16-09-2016 10:20:13,70 | 1.527,3603 |
48 | NL-20161877 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - J | | 16-09-2016 10:20:54,50 | 1.521,2833 |
49 | PL-20161068 | PL-233-1677 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - E | | 16-09-2016 10:20:54,90 | 1.521,2240 |
50 | NL-20161789 | | | Van Eyh - Duwel // Activated by Roli Wirz | | 16-09-2016 10:20:56,40 | 1.521,0015 |
51 | NL-20160217 | NL-1867043 | | Comb. Beverdam - B | | 16-09-2016 10:20:59,90 | 1.520,4827 |
52 | DE-20161694 | | | Team Steckenbiller - E | | 16-09-2016 10:21:02,60 | 1.520,0826 |
53 | UK-20161742 | | | Team Wilton Uk - A | Sam | 16-09-2016 10:21:03,10 | 1.520,0086 |
54 | NL-20160323 | NL-1528131 | | Dutch One Loft Team - I | Dutch Sneaker | 16-09-2016 10:21:04,10 | 1.519,8605 |
55 | DE-20161825 | DE-900318 | | Volterink - Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:21:04,10 | 1.519,8605 |
56 | PT-20161221 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - K | | 16-09-2016 10:21:05,70 | 1.519,6236 |
57 | NL-20160544 | NL-1646429 | | Gebr Rottine - G | JOSJE | 16-09-2016 10:21:07,10 | 1.519,4164 |
58 | DE-20160035 | | | Alexander Gebel - D | | 16-09-2016 10:21:07,10 | 1.519,4164 |
59 | NL-20161021 | NL-1642821 | | M. Vennix & Zn | Brams Chance | 16-09-2016 10:21:08,10 | 1.519,2684 |
60 | DE-20161873 | DE-1342-702 | | H. Peyrick & S. Rewald | | 16-09-2016 10:21:08,70 | 1.519,1796 |
61 | IE-20161478 | IE-S118156 | | Team Donnelly & Kirkwood | Tommy | 16-09-2016 10:21:10,90 | 1.518,8542 |
62 | PT-20161161 | | | P4R Luís Marques A | | 16-09-2016 10:21:10,90 | 1.518,8542 |
63 | BG-20160178 | BG-53380 | | Ceci Georgiev | | 16-09-2016 10:21:11,10 | 1.518,8247 |
64 | NL-20160775 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - Q | | 16-09-2016 10:21:11,10 | 1.518,8247 |
65 | NL-20161506 | NL-1034117 | | Team Friesland - A | | 16-09-2016 10:21:12,10 | 1.518,6768 |
66 | PT-20161003 | | | Loja do Canário SAD | | 16-09-2016 10:21:14,00 | 1.518,3960 |
67 | NL-20160781 | NL-3618380 | | Hok M. Reijnen - R | | 16-09-2016 10:21:14,50 | 1.518,3221 |
68 | NL-20161520 | NL-1047628 | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - A | | 16-09-2016 10:21:16,00 | 1.518,1004 |
69 | DE-20160475 | DE-1638-002 | | Feuriger Fluegel Krosigk - A | Moni | 16-09-2016 10:21:19,90 | 1.517,5245 |
70 | NL-20160354 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - I | Anouk | 16-09-2016 10:21:21,50 | 1.517,2883 |
71 | NL-20161846 | NL-1600748 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - D | | 16-09-2016 10:21:23,20 | 1.517,0375 |
72 | BE-20160294 | BE-6056348 | | Diamonds Dreams | Sunny Chequer | 16-09-2016 10:21:23,30 | 1.517,0227 |
73 | DE-20161515 | DE-6164-777 | | Team Gold Pigeons | Ceasar | 16-09-2016 10:21:26,00 | 1.516,6245 |
74 | PT-20160066 | PT-6450161 | | António Félix Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 10:21:31,10 | 1.515,8729 |
75 | PT-20161158 | PT-6226851 | | P4R & Vitor Espinhal | | 16-09-2016 10:21:32,00 | 1.515,7404 |
76 | BE-20161802 | BE-3107793 | | Vermander Eric | | 16-09-2016 10:21:33,40 | 1.515,5342 |
77 | NL-20160001 | NL-1416945 | | Aat & Pé Laan | | 16-09-2016 10:21:43,60 | 1.514,0339 |
78 | NL-20161525 | | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:21:44,10 | 1.513,9605 |
79 | AT-20161394 | | | Team Austria - Koenigsecker | Lea | 16-09-2016 10:21:45,50 | 1.513,7548 |
80 | PT-20161322 | | | Serafim & Luis | | 16-09-2016 10:21:55,30 | 1.512,3167 |
81 | NL-20161529 | NL-1047510 | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - C | | 16-09-2016 10:22:00,70 | 1.511,5254 |
82 | ES-20161230 | | | Pedro Velasquez | | 16-09-2016 10:22:01,20 | 1.511,4522 |
83 | NL-20160210 | NL-1867035 | | Comb. Beverdam - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:07,60 | 1.510,5155 |
84 | NL-20160439 | | | Fam. De Kruijf | Marjolein | 16-09-2016 10:22:21,40 | 1.508,4998 |
85 | US-20161774 | US-47 | | Tyson Corner - A | Tyson 49 | 16-09-2016 10:22:24,90 | 1.507,9894 |
86 | NL-20161526 | NL-1677739 | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:22:26,20 | 1.507,8000 |
87 | SK-20160665 | SK-999-1168 | | Greg Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:29,30 | 1.507,3483 |
88 | NL-20160212 | | | Comb. Beverdam - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:29,90 | 1.507,2609 |
89 | NL-20161669 | NL-1142375 | | Team Seelen - Ellenbroek | Rambo | 16-09-2016 10:22:31,30 | 1.507,0571 |
90 | BE-20160297 | BE-6138996 | | Diamonds Dreams | | 16-09-2016 10:22:31,60 | 1.507,0134 |
91 | US-20161304 | | | Roman Brothers & Asas do Algarve | | 16-09-2016 10:22:36,00 | 1.506,3731 |
92 | NL-20161406 | | | Team Bergmans V.Gils - A | LOUWRA | 16-09-2016 10:22:36,30 | 1.506,3295 |
93 | NL-20160375 | NL-1427309 | | Dutch Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:37,10 | 1.506,2131 |
94 | NL-20160753 | NL-1870033 | | Hok M. Reijnen - K | | 16-09-2016 10:22:37,70 | 1.506,1259 |
95 | NL-20160373 | NL-1426122 | | Dutch Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:22:40,30 | 1.505,7479 |
96 | BE-20160292 | BE-3104274 | | Denys / Neirink | Freddy N | 16-09-2016 10:22:40,50 | 1.505,7188 |
97 | PT-20161016 | PT-6311302 | | Luis Gomes | | 16-09-2016 10:22:44,10 | 1.505,1958 |
98 | BE-20160948 | BE-3116250 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - B | Manu 1 | 16-09-2016 10:22:45,20 | 1.505,0361 |
99 | PT-20160837 | | | Derby Riachos - João Ferreira | | 16-09-2016 10:22:48,00 | 1.504,6296 |
100 | IE-20160848 | IE-S056621 | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - A | Joshs Dream | 16-09-2016 10:22:48,40 | 1.504,5716 |
101 | PL-20160828 | PL-262-7980 | | JKG Transport - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:50,50 | 1.504,2669 |
102 | NL-20161048 | NL-1478552 | | Mat Schoordijk | | 16-09-2016 10:22:51,40 | 1.504,1364 |
103 | PL-20160829 | | | JKG Transport - A | | 16-09-2016 10:22:53,70 | 1.503,8029 |
104 | BE-20160566 | BE-2146383 | | Gebr. Herbots | | 16-09-2016 10:22:54,80 | 1.503,6434 |
105 | NL-20160727 | NL-1870027 | | Hok M. Reijnen - E | | 16-09-2016 10:23:25,60 | 1.499,1927 |
106 | NL-20161668 | | | Team Seelen - Ellenbroek | Piet | 16-09-2016 10:23:47,90 | 1.495,9867 |
107 | CH-20161233 | CH-420 | | Peixoto & Pimenta - A | | 16-09-2016 10:23:51,70 | 1.495,4418 |
108 | UK-20161739 | UK-X61364 | | Team Wilton Uk - A | Roxie | 16-09-2016 10:24:04,70 | 1.493,5805 |
109 | NL-20160992 | NL-1771579 | | Leon Dautzenberg | | 16-09-2016 10:24:06,70 | 1.493,2945 |
110 | ES-20160167 | | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - B | | 16-09-2016 10:24:13,10 | 1.492,3803 |
111 | NL-20160736 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - G | | 16-09-2016 10:24:14,90 | 1.492,1233 |
112 | NL-20161402 | | | Team B.J. Sukmellies | | 16-09-2016 10:24:15,60 | 1.492,0234 |
113 | NL-20161770 | NL-1538743 | | Ton de Kovel & Tower Flyers Loft | TFL 2 | 16-09-2016 10:24:17,80 | 1.491,7095 |
114 | NL-20160343 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - F | Kiss 64 | 16-09-2016 10:24:27,10 | 1.490,3842 |
115 | NL-20161035 | | | Mark Van den Berg | MALJE 3 | 16-09-2016 10:24:27,30 | 1.490,3557 |
116 | DE-20160040 | DE-7407-543 | | Alexander Gebel - E | | 16-09-2016 10:24:27,60 | 1.490,3130 |
117 | IT-20160625 | IT-58229 | | Ghiacci & Camagni | | 16-09-2016 10:24:28,20 | 1.490,2275 |
118 | NL-20161423 | | | Team Blue Dragons - C | BOELENS 1 | 16-09-2016 10:24:28,80 | 1.490,1421 |
119 | NL-20161643 | NL-1665659 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - D | Nala | 16-09-2016 10:24:29,30 | 1.490,0710 |
120 | PT-20161239 | | | Pigeons 4 War | | 16-09-2016 10:24:30,20 | 1.489,9429 |
121 | PT-20161149 | | | Os Limianos | | 16-09-2016 10:24:31,00 | 1.489,8291 |
122 | NL-20161467 | NL-1628818 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - A | Sifan | 16-09-2016 10:24:32,20 | 1.489,6583 |
123 | NL-20160214 | | | Comb. Beverdam - B | | 16-09-2016 10:24:32,30 | 1.489,6441 |
124 | BE-20160108 | | | Henk and Nicole de Weerd | | 16-09-2016 10:24:32,80 | 1.489,5730 |
125 | AT-20161389 | AT-106-16-227 | | Team Austria | | 16-09-2016 10:24:34,20 | 1.489,3739 |
126 | NL-20160724 | NL-1870071 | | Hok M. Reijnen - D | | 16-09-2016 10:24:35,00 | 1.489,2601 |
127 | NL-20161274 | NL-1144477 | | PV de Luchtbode - C | Marcel | 16-09-2016 10:24:39,70 | 1.488,5922 |
128 | AT-20160114 | AT-602797 | | Beniamin Neag | | 16-09-2016 10:24:42,50 | 1.488,1946 |
129 | ES-20161628 | | | Team Perla - F | | 16-09-2016 10:24:43,10 | 1.488,1094 |
130 | DE-20161691 | | | Team Steckenbiller - E | | 16-09-2016 10:24:43,60 | 1.488,0385 |
131 | NL-20161654 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - F | Sarabi | 16-09-2016 10:24:44,50 | 1.487,9107 |
132 | DE-20160457 | | | Familie Soellner - C | | 16-09-2016 10:24:49,90 | 1.487,1448 |
133 | NL-20160730 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - F | | 16-09-2016 10:24:50,60 | 1.487,0455 |
134 | DE-20160313 | | | Dietmar Kaiser | Harkla | 16-09-2016 10:24:52,60 | 1.486,7621 |
135 | BE-20161783 | | | Van Der Jonckheid | | 16-09-2016 10:24:56,80 | 1.486,1672 |
136 | NL-20160142 | | | Bram Wassenaar | | 16-09-2016 10:25:06,20 | 1.484,8375 |
137 | IE-20161489 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - C | Macey | 16-09-2016 10:25:07,30 | 1.484,6821 |
138 | NL-20160606 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - F | | 16-09-2016 10:25:08,80 | 1.484,4702 |
139 | DE-20161876 | DE-5095-349 | | Florian & Jannih Hartmann | | 16-09-2016 10:25:09,70 | 1.484,3430 |
140 | BE-20161451 | BE-3089667 | | Team Callens Karlos | | 16-09-2016 10:25:10,20 | 1.484,2724 |
141 | PT-20161199 | PT-6252196 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - F | | 16-09-2016 10:25:11,30 | 1.484,1171 |
142 | CH-20160046 | CH-5028 | | Alp Race Team | JUNIOR ENKEL GUS | 16-09-2016 10:25:11,70 | 1.484,0606 |
143 | DE-20161756 | | | Team Wonderful / Rolfvon Well - B | Thomas | 16-09-2016 10:25:12,70 | 1.483,9194 |
144 | PT-20161349 | PT-6167957 | | Sporting Pigeons Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:13,50 | 1.483,8065 |
145 | PL-20161060 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:13,70 | 1.483,7783 |
146 | NL-20160600 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - D | | 16-09-2016 10:25:14,60 | 1.483,6513 |
147 | DE-20161821 | DE-07100-509 | | Volker Sippel | | 16-09-2016 10:25:16,00 | 1.483,4538 |
148 | NL-20160795 | | | J J V Tende & Zn | | 16-09-2016 10:25:16,00 | 1.483,4538 |
149 | BE-20160107 | BE-1596380 | | Henk and Nicole de Weerd | | 16-09-2016 10:25:16,30 | 1.483,4115 |
150 | SK-20160668 | SK-999-1149 | | Greg Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:16,80 | 1.483,3409 |
151 | ES-20161600 | ES-69748 | | Team Octavio & Martin | | 16-09-2016 10:25:18,00 | 1.483,1717 |
152 | NL-20161595 | NL-4280981 | | Team MRT | Sitah | 16-09-2016 10:25:18,00 | 1.483,1717 |
153 | PT-20161185 | | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:21,20 | 1.482,7206 |
154 | DE-20161580 | DE-08213-406 | | Team Mark Buse& Family - B | Tornado | 16-09-2016 10:25:22,00 | 1.482,6079 |
155 | NL-20160271 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - G | | 16-09-2016 10:25:22,00 | 1.482,6079 |
156 | PT-20161206 | PT-6252299 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - G | | 16-09-2016 10:25:22,70 | 1.482,5092 |
157 | DE-20161518 | DE-6164-778 | | Team Gold Pigeons | Porthos | 16-09-2016 10:25:23,00 | 1.482,4670 |
158 | SK-20160435 | | | Evin Peter | Rachel | 16-09-2016 10:25:23,90 | 1.482,3402 |
159 | NL-20160259 | NL-3640894 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - D | | 16-09-2016 10:25:24,40 | 1.482,2698 |
160 | DE-20161570 | DE-8857-509 | | Team Jung & Jupid - E | Mario | 16-09-2016 10:25:24,60 | 1.482,2416 |
161 | IE-20161177 | | | Pat Maher | Abbey View Ron | 16-09-2016 10:25:25,60 | 1.482,1008 |
162 | NL-20160720 | NL-1870049 | | Hok M. Reijnen - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:25,70 | 1.482,0867 |
163 | NL-20160684 | NL-1254301 | | Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp | Luis | 16-09-2016 10:25:26,90 | 1.481,9178 |
164 | KW-20160820 | KW-882407 | | Jassim Al Kulaib | | 16-09-2016 10:25:27,00 | 1.481,9037 |
165 | PL-20161062 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:28,10 | 1.481,7488 |
166 | BE-20161108 | BE-3010414 | | Nicolas Norman - C // Activated by Bert Ploeg | | 16-09-2016 10:25:28,10 | 1.481,7488 |
167 | PT-20161162 | PT-6101509 | | P4R Luís Marques A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:29,20 | 1.481,5940 |
168 | PT-20160805 | PT-6445031 | | J. Costa & Diamantino Armada | | 16-09-2016 10:25:29,80 | 1.481,5096 |
169 | BE-20161786 | BE-6099936 | | Van Der Jonckheid | | 16-09-2016 10:25:31,50 | 1.481,2705 |
170 | NL-20160367 | NL-1528279 | | Dutch One Loft Team - B | Connie | 16-09-2016 10:25:31,50 | 1.481,2705 |
171 | NL-20160694 | | | Henk Simonsz | Blue Star | 16-09-2016 10:25:31,60 | 1.481,2564 |
172 | NL-20160618 | | | Gert Rotman | | 16-09-2016 10:25:32,10 | 1.481,1861 |
173 | SK-20161816 | SK-1408-1183 | | Vladimir Las | JuraJ | 16-09-2016 10:25:33,80 | 1.480,9470 |
174 | DE-20161826 | DE-900317 | | Volterink - Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:25:34,90 | 1.480,7924 |
175 | NL-20161527 | NL-1047629 | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:35,40 | 1.480,7221 |
176 | NL-20160773 | NL-1598751 | | Hok M. Reijnen - P | | 16-09-2016 10:25:36,00 | 1.480,6378 |
177 | NL-20160725 | NL-1870046 | | Hok M. Reijnen - D | | 16-09-2016 10:25:37,80 | 1.480,3849 |
178 | BE-20161101 | BE-3010452 | | Nicolas Norman - A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:37,90 | 1.480,3709 |
179 | SK-20161541 | | | Team Ilavsky | Ranieri | 16-09-2016 10:25:39,50 | 1.480,1461 |
180 | NL-20160141 | | | Bram Wassenaar | | 16-09-2016 10:25:40,40 | 1.480,0197 |
181 | PT-20161202 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - F | | 16-09-2016 10:25:40,40 | 1.480,0197 |
182 | NL-20161861 | | | Will & Falco Ebben | | 16-09-2016 10:25:40,80 | 1.479,9636 |
183 | NL-20160873 | NL-1650996 | | Jos van Overdijk | Liek | 16-09-2016 10:25:41,70 | 1.479,8372 |
184 | PT-20161182 | PT-6252260 | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:42,20 | 1.479,7670 |
185 | PT-20161191 | PT-6252173 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 10:25:42,80 | 1.479,6828 |
186 | ES-20160163 | ES-230026 | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:43,20 | 1.479,6267 |
187 | US-20161302 | US-6197075 | | Roman Brothers & Asas do Algarve | | 16-09-2016 10:25:44,10 | 1.479,5004 |
188 | PT-20161187 | | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:45,00 | 1.479,3741 |
189 | BE-20161029 | | | Marc Bert - M.B. Racing Pig. Photography | | 16-09-2016 10:25:46,40 | 1.479,1777 |
190 | NL-20161729 | | | Team Vuurtoren - B | Kokkie | 16-09-2016 10:25:47,80 | 1.478,9814 |
191 | NL-20160711 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:47,90 | 1.478,9674 |
192 | NL-20160683 | | | Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp // Activated by Roli Wirz | Jupiler | 16-09-2016 10:25:48,00 | 1.478,9534 |
193 | NL-20161097 | NL-1442159 | | Nico Pronk & Falco Ebben | | 16-09-2016 10:25:48,50 | 1.478,8833 |
194 | BE-20161106 | BE-3010443 | | Nicolas Norman - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:48,70 | 1.478,8552 |
195 | NL-20160151 | NL-1567779 | | Bustraan - Dekker Pigeons | | 16-09-2016 10:25:49,00 | 1.478,8132 |
196 | AT-20161702 | | | Team Straif - A | | 16-09-2016 10:25:49,20 | 1.478,7851 |
197 | ES-20160011 | ES-244866 | | Aday Rodriguez - Felix Santiago Cubas - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,00 | 1.478,6730 |
198 | DE-20160935 | | | Klaus karlheim | | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,30 | 1.478,6309 |
199 | NL-20161712 | NL-3634869 | | Team Twins - A | Roland | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,40 | 1.478,6169 |
200 | ES-20161625 | | | Team Perla - E // Activated by Yahve Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,80 | 1.478,5609 |
201 | NL-20160608 | NL-1447512 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - F | | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,80 | 1.478,5609 |
202 | NL-20160737 | NL-1870063 | | Hok M. Reijnen - G | | 16-09-2016 10:25:50,80 | 1.478,5609 |
203 | BE-20160955 | BE-3116294 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - C | Louis 4 | 16-09-2016 10:25:51,70 | 1.478,4348 |
204 | NL-20161289 | NL-1426901 | | Rens Van der Zijde | | 16-09-2016 10:25:52,00 | 1.478,3927 |
205 | BE-20160391 | BE-3016524 | | Emiel Denys - C | | 16-09-2016 10:25:52,10 | 1.478,3787 |
206 | PT-20161166 | | | P4R Luís Marques B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:53,50 | 1.478,1826 |
207 | DE-20161562 | DE-08857-413 | | Team Jung & Jupid - C | LUCA | 16-09-2016 10:25:53,50 | 1.478,1826 |
208 | BE-20160401 | | | Emiel Denys - E | | 16-09-2016 10:25:53,70 | 1.478,1546 |
209 | IE-20160274 | | | Cookstown Sizzlers | | 16-09-2016 10:25:53,90 | 1.478,1266 |
210 | NL-20160149 | NL-1567781 | | Bustraan - Dekker Pigeons | | 16-09-2016 10:25:54,40 | 1.478,0565 |
211 | PT-20161331 | | | Silva & Serôdio - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:54,50 | 1.478,0425 |
212 | BE-20160901 | BE-6214286 | | Joseph Van Put - B | Inez | 16-09-2016 10:25:55,00 | 1.477,9725 |
213 | NL-20161124 | | | Nulle - Wijgaarts | Asterix | 16-09-2016 10:25:55,10 | 1.477,9585 |
214 | CH-20161236 | | | Peixoto & Pimenta - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:55,20 | 1.477,9445 |
215 | IE-20161484 | IE-S118260 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - B | Harrita | 16-09-2016 10:25:55,40 | 1.477,9165 |
216 | PL-20161056 | PL-233-1751 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - B | | 16-09-2016 10:25:56,10 | 1.477,8185 |
217 | NL-20160244 | NL-1045511 | | Comb. V/P Heide de Vries | | 16-09-2016 10:25:56,50 | 1.477,7625 |
218 | NL-20160595 | NL-1448110 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - C | | 16-09-2016 10:26:00,10 | 1.477,2587 |
219 | AT-20161397 | AT-301-16-512 | | Team Austria Marchat | Algarve Nacional Cha | 16-09-2016 10:26:01,20 | 1.477,1049 |
220 | NL-20161715 | | | Team Twins - B | Kimi | 16-09-2016 10:26:01,70 | 1.477,0349 |
221 | NL-20161842 | NL-1511822 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - C | | 16-09-2016 10:26:02,30 | 1.476,9510 |
222 | BE-20160969 | BE-3116330 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - G | Andrea 2 | 16-09-2016 10:26:02,30 | 1.476,9510 |
223 | CN-20160501 | CN-1426124 | | Frank Liu | | 16-09-2016 10:26:04,70 | 1.476,6155 |
224 | DE-20161824 | | | Volterink - Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:26:04,90 | 1.476,5876 |
225 | DE-20161517 | | | Team Gold Pigeons | Aramis | 16-09-2016 10:26:05,10 | 1.476,5596 |
226 | BE-20160483 | BE-3008699 | | Flanders Revelation | Geschelpt | 16-09-2016 10:26:06,20 | 1.476,4059 |
227 | NL-20161471 | NL-1629191 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - C | Isabel | 16-09-2016 10:26:06,70 | 1.476,3360 |
228 | NL-20160235 | NL-1242209 | | Comb. K.F.H // Activated by Roli Wirz | De 057 | 16-09-2016 10:26:09,40 | 1.475,9589 |
229 | NL-20161732 | | | Team Vuurtoren - A | Jalloe | 16-09-2016 10:26:10,00 | 1.475,8751 |
230 | ES-20161613 | | | Team Perla - B | | 16-09-2016 10:26:11,40 | 1.475,6797 |
231 | IE-20160920 | IE-S010126 | | Keegan & Darling | Blue Chance | 16-09-2016 10:26:13,40 | 1.475,4005 |
232 | BE-20160983 | BE-3116307 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - J | Jules 4 | 16-09-2016 10:26:13,70 | 1.475,3587 |
233 | GR-20160926 | | | Kiriazidis & Kontogiannis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:26:21,00 | 1.474,3408 |
234 | NL-20160488 | NL-1802725 | | Florian Hendriks | | 16-09-2016 10:26:21,00 | 1.474,3408 |
235 | PT-20161250 | PT-6157729 | | Pombal João Xavier | XAVIER 725 | 16-09-2016 10:26:24,80 | 1.473,8115 |
236 | BE-20161785 | BE-6099181 | | Van Der Jonckheid | | 16-09-2016 10:26:25,40 | 1.473,7280 |
237 | NL-20161524 | NL-1677741 | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:26:26,20 | 1.473,6166 |
238 | BE-20160290 | | | Denys / Neirink | Bambolie | 16-09-2016 10:26:26,80 | 1.473,5331 |
239 | IE-20160854 | | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - B | Joshs Coby | 16-09-2016 10:26:27,80 | 1.473,3939 |
240 | CZ-20160827 | CZ-34-732 | | Jiri Konopik | José | 16-09-2016 10:26:28,10 | 1.473,3522 |
241 | NL-20160780 | NL-3618338 | | Hok M. Reijnen - R | | 16-09-2016 10:26:29,00 | 1.473,2269 |
242 | BE-20160197 | BE-3107482 | | Clicque Racing Pigeons - B | | 16-09-2016 10:26:30,20 | 1.473,0600 |
243 | NL-20160760 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - M | | 16-09-2016 10:26:30,40 | 1.473,0322 |
244 | ES-20161612 | | | Team Perla - B | | 16-09-2016 10:26:31,30 | 1.472,9070 |
245 | NL-20161649 | NL-1665669 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - E | Kovu | 16-09-2016 10:26:31,60 | 1.472,8653 |
246 | BE-20160968 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - G | Andrea 1 | 16-09-2016 10:26:33,90 | 1.472,5455 |
247 | BE-20161135 | BE-6273165 | | Op de Beeck Baetens | | 16-09-2016 10:26:35,10 | 1.472,3787 |
248 | DE-20161574 | DE-8857-524 | | Team Jung & Jupid - F | Bouten | 16-09-2016 10:26:38,00 | 1.471,9758 |
249 | NL-20161707 | NL-1210905 | | Team SunKissed | Michael | 16-09-2016 10:26:39,10 | 1.471,8231 |
250 | RO-20160444 | | | Familia Bacalu | | 16-09-2016 10:26:39,20 | 1.471,8092 |
251 | NL-20160334 | NL-1251332 | | Dutch One Loft Team - D | Goldrush | 16-09-2016 10:26:41,10 | 1.471,5454 |
252 | PT-20160889 | PT-6335084 | | José Sousa Pinto & Filho | | 16-09-2016 10:26:46,50 | 1.470,7962 |
253 | NL-20161468 | NL-1628819 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - A | Aitana | 16-09-2016 10:26:46,90 | 1.470,7407 |
254 | IE-20161486 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - B | Harry`s Girl | 16-09-2016 10:26:47,30 | 1.470,6853 |
255 | DE-20160478 | DE-1638-139 | | Feuriger Fluegel Krosigk - B | Kurt | 16-09-2016 10:26:47,50 | 1.470,6576 |
256 | DE-20161823 | | | Volterink - Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:26:55,10 | 1.469,6046 |
257 | PT-20161092 | | | Mystery Team | | 16-09-2016 10:26:56,10 | 1.469,4662 |
258 | NL-20160607 | NL-1447510 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:13,60 | 1.467,0478 |
259 | NL-20161596 | | | Team MRT | Lucy | 16-09-2016 10:27:22,80 | 1.465,7797 |
260 | NL-20160794 | NL-1427295 | | J J V Tende & Zn | | 16-09-2016 10:27:24,10 | 1.465,6007 |
261 | SK-20160943 | SK-1106-816 | | Krajcik Daniel & Andrea | Marienka | 16-09-2016 10:27:24,90 | 1.465,4905 |
262 | NL-20161606 | | | Team Pasmans | ADJE3 | 16-09-2016 10:27:25,50 | 1.465,4079 |
263 | DE-20161559 | DE-08857-424 | | Team Jung & Jupid - C | JISNRECK | 16-09-2016 10:27:27,10 | 1.465,1877 |
264 | NL-20160261 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - D | | 16-09-2016 10:27:27,50 | 1.465,1327 |
265 | PT-20161163 | | | P4R Luís Marques B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:28,80 | 1.464,9538 |
266 | NL-20160748 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - J | | 16-09-2016 10:27:29,10 | 1.464,9125 |
267 | DE-20160583 | | | Gerald Schmidt | | 16-09-2016 10:27:29,70 | 1.464,8300 |
268 | IT-20161008 | IT-58226 | | Team Italy | | 16-09-2016 10:27:29,70 | 1.464,8300 |
269 | PT-20161324 | | | Serafim & Luis | | 16-09-2016 10:27:30,40 | 1.464,7337 |
270 | DE-20161573 | DE-8857-522 | | Team Jung & Jupid - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:30,90 | 1.464,6650 |
271 | NL-20160486 | NL-1802702 | | Florian Hendriks | | 16-09-2016 10:27:31,50 | 1.464,5825 |
272 | NL-20160742 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - I | | 16-09-2016 10:27:32,30 | 1.464,4725 |
273 | BE-20160784 | | | Ibryam Ayhan | Osman | 16-09-2016 10:27:33,40 | 1.464,3212 |
274 | NL-20160619 | | | Gert Rotman | | 16-09-2016 10:27:33,70 | 1.464,2800 |
275 | GR-20160512 | GR-1017073 | | G. & D. Aslanidis | | 16-09-2016 10:27:33,70 | 1.464,2800 |
276 | PL-20161058 | PL-233-1653 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:33,70 | 1.464,2800 |
277 | BE-20160645 | BE-6225958 | | Goris - Vrins - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:34,60 | 1.464,1563 |
278 | ES-20161611 | ES-244855 | | Team Perla - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:34,70 | 1.464,1426 |
279 | NL-20160528 | NL-1646333 | | Gebr Rottine - C | BOTINA | 16-09-2016 10:27:36,10 | 1.463,9502 |
280 | NL-20160770 | NL-1598806 | | Hok M. Reijnen - P | | 16-09-2016 10:27:36,20 | 1.463,9365 |
281 | PT-20161153 | PT-6330005 | | Oxigen Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carlos tevez | 16-09-2016 10:27:36,20 | 1.463,9365 |
282 | PT-20160877 | | | José Gonçalves Araújo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:27:36,40 | 1.463,9090 |
283 | PT-20161241 | | | Pigeons 4 War | | 16-09-2016 10:27:36,90 | 1.463,8403 |
284 | NL-20160318 | NL-6067215 | | Dutch Bravos | | 16-09-2016 10:27:37,40 | 1.463,7717 |
285 | ES-20161627 | | | Team Perla - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:37,90 | 1.463,7030 |
286 | NL-20160330 | NL-1678625 | | Dutch One Loft Team - C | Jasmijn | 16-09-2016 10:27:38,20 | 1.463,6618 |
287 | DE-20160041 | DE-7407-1042 | | Alexander Gebel - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:38,40 | 1.463,6343 |
288 | NL-20161634 | NL-1665656 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - A | Tantor | 16-09-2016 10:27:39,20 | 1.463,5245 |
289 | NL-20161834 | NL-1511821 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - A | Haaknues | 16-09-2016 10:27:39,50 | 1.463,4833 |
290 | ES-20161227 | ES-242982 | | Pedro Velasquez | | 16-09-2016 10:27:40,50 | 1.463,3460 |
291 | DE-20161692 | DE-09984-089 | | Team Steckenbiller - E | | 16-09-2016 10:27:40,90 | 1.463,2911 |
292 | NL-20161851 | NL-1600752 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:41,40 | 1.463,2225 |
293 | SE-20161278 | SE-S04589 | | Rayan George | | 16-09-2016 10:27:41,40 | 1.463,2225 |
294 | NL-20160592 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:41,80 | 1.463,1676 |
295 | BE-20161784 | BE-6099191 | | Van Der Jonckheid | | 16-09-2016 10:27:42,20 | 1.463,1127 |
296 | DE-20161696 | DE-09984-097 | | Team Steckenbiller - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:42,40 | 1.463,0852 |
297 | SK-20160434 | | | Evin Peter | Noemi | 16-09-2016 10:27:42,60 | 1.463,0578 |
298 | NL-20161853 | NL-1600765 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - F | | 16-09-2016 10:27:42,80 | 1.463,0303 |
299 | BE-20160988 | | | Leo Heremans | Natascha | 16-09-2016 10:27:43,20 | 1.462,9755 |
300 | PT-20161017 | | | Luis Gomes | | 16-09-2016 10:27:43,50 | 1.462,9343 |
301 | DE-20160450 | DE-2733-621 | | Familie Soellner - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:43,80 | 1.462,8932 |
302 | BE-20160841 | BE-3114110 | | Johan & Luc Gevaert | Nina 1 | 16-09-2016 10:27:43,90 | 1.462,8794 |
303 | IE-20160136 | IE-SB327 | | Bobby Dalziel | | 16-09-2016 10:27:44,00 | 1.462,8657 |
304 | BE-20160191 | | | Clicque Racing Pigeons - A | | 16-09-2016 10:27:44,40 | 1.462,8108 |
305 | SK-20160504 | | | Frantisek Gasko | Nela | 16-09-2016 10:27:44,50 | 1.462,7971 |
306 | DE-20161554 | DE-08857-419 | | Team Jung & Jupid - A | ROCKY | 16-09-2016 10:27:44,70 | 1.462,7697 |
307 | NL-20160767 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - O | | 16-09-2016 10:27:44,90 | 1.462,7423 |
308 | NL-20160779 | NL-3618316 | | Hok M. Reijnen - R | | 16-09-2016 10:27:45,10 | 1.462,7148 |
309 | NL-20161652 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - F | Ferb | 16-09-2016 10:27:45,40 | 1.462,6737 |
310 | NL-20161647 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - E | Grumpie | 16-09-2016 10:27:45,70 | 1.462,6326 |
311 | NL-20161020 | | | M. Vennix & Zn | Reneris Best | 16-09-2016 10:27:45,80 | 1.462,6188 |
312 | BE-20160016 | BE-2155181 | | Alaerts Jonah & Noah | Blauw | 16-09-2016 10:27:46,10 | 1.462,5777 |
313 | BE-20160962 | BE-3116312 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - E | Odile 2 | 16-09-2016 10:27:46,50 | 1.462,5229 |
314 | DE-20160929 | DE-03938-1810 | | Klaus Jaeger | | 16-09-2016 10:27:46,80 | 1.462,4817 |
315 | NL-20161272 | NL-1854683 | | PV de Luchtbode - B | Jopie | 16-09-2016 10:27:47,30 | 1.462,4132 |
316 | NL-20160319 | NL-6067218 | | Dutch Bravos | | 16-09-2016 10:27:47,50 | 1.462,3858 |
317 | NL-20160735 | NL-1870001 | | Hok M. Reijnen - G | | 16-09-2016 10:27:47,90 | 1.462,3309 |
318 | NL-20160590 | NL-1448111 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:47,90 | 1.462,3309 |
319 | NL-20160301 | | | Dickmann - Stroetges - A | | 16-09-2016 10:27:50,10 | 1.462,0294 |
320 | PT-20160172 | | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:27:52,90 | 1.461,6459 |
321 | DE-20161679 | | | Team Steckenbiller - B | | 16-09-2016 10:27:54,70 | 1.461,3994 |
322 | IT-20160379 | | | Eduard Van der Pijl | | 16-09-2016 10:27:55,40 | 1.461,3036 |
323 | AT-20161257 | | | Popovici Paul & Ioan Toader | | 16-09-2016 10:27:55,50 | 1.461,2899 |
324 | PL-20160831 | PL-262-7731 | | JKG Transport - A | | 16-09-2016 10:27:56,00 | 1.461,2214 |
325 | IE-20161487 | IE-S118258 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - C | Pirlo | 16-09-2016 10:28:06,20 | 1.459,8267 |
326 | DE-20160042 | DE-7407-1041 | | Alexander Gebel - F | | 16-09-2016 10:28:11,10 | 1.459,1576 |
327 | ES-20160006 | ES-244864 | | Aday Rodriguez - Felix Santiago Cubas - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:12,40 | 1.458,9802 |
328 | NL-20160147 | NL-1783974 | | Brouwers | | 16-09-2016 10:28:17,70 | 1.458,2574 |
329 | AT-20161390 | AT-503-625 | | Team Austria | Anton | 16-09-2016 10:28:19,10 | 1.458,0666 |
330 | AT-20161392 | AT-332-16-1315 | | Team Austria - Koenigsecker | Crush | 16-09-2016 10:28:21,30 | 1.457,7668 |
331 | NL-20160286 | | | Team De Brabantse Wal - B | Daphne | 16-09-2016 10:28:29,50 | 1.456,6506 |
332 | IE-20161481 | IE-S118256 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - A | Lisa Marie | 16-09-2016 10:28:37,50 | 1.455,5633 |
333 | BE-20160641 | | | Goris - Vrins - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:39,50 | 1.455,2918 |
334 | BE-20160013 | BE-2155193 | | Alaerts Jonah & Noah | Geschelpt | 16-09-2016 10:28:40,00 | 1.455,2239 |
335 | PT-20161329 | PT-6013858 | | Silva & Serôdio - B | | 16-09-2016 10:28:40,60 | 1.455,1424 |
336 | BE-20161798 | BE-2083493 | | Verdeyen Bart & Francis | Diamond | 16-09-2016 10:28:43,40 | 1.454,7625 |
337 | PT-20161348 | PT-6167956 | | Sporting Pigeons Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:45,60 | 1.454,4641 |
338 | PT-20160881 | PT-6456813 | | José Gonçalves Araújo - B | | 16-09-2016 10:28:46,00 | 1.454,4098 |
339 | US-20161772 | | | Tyson Corner - A | Tyson 47 | 16-09-2016 10:28:46,30 | 1.454,3692 |
340 | IE-20160617 | IE-S011039 | | Gerry Daly | | 16-09-2016 10:28:52,90 | 1.453,4748 |
341 | PT-20161328 | | | Silva & Serôdio - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:53,10 | 1.453,4477 |
342 | NL-20160203 | NL-1173068 | | Comb. A. Mulder & Zn. - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:54,00 | 1.453,3259 |
343 | ES-20160166 | ES-244542 | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - B // Activated by João Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:28:54,60 | 1.453,2446 |
344 | DE-20160908 | DE-777-07 | | Juergen Brocksch | | 16-09-2016 10:28:54,70 | 1.453,2311 |
345 | NL-20160233 | NL-4283513 | | Comb. Hoekstra / Mendes da Costa | Last | 16-09-2016 10:28:55,10 | 1.453,1770 |
346 | NL-20160697 | | | Henk Simonsz | Lucky | 16-09-2016 10:28:55,30 | 1.453,1499 |
347 | NL-20161433 | NL-4282407 | | Team Blue Dragons - E | TJITTE & LESLEY 1 | 16-09-2016 10:28:55,50 | 1.453,1228 |
348 | BE-20160985 | BE-1128294 | | Laurent Sauvage | Blue Ocean | 16-09-2016 10:28:55,70 | 1.453,0957 |
349 | NL-20161095 | NL-1442156 | | Nico Pronk & Falco Ebben | | 16-09-2016 10:28:56,30 | 1.453,0145 |
350 | US-20161775 | US-42 | | Tyson Corner - B | Tyson 42 | 16-09-2016 10:28:56,40 | 1.453,0010 |
351 | RO-20161464 | RO-290810 | | Team Daniel Pisla & George Vihtan | | 16-09-2016 10:28:56,80 | 1.452,9469 |
352 | NL-20160603 | NL-1447491 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - E | | 16-09-2016 10:28:57,60 | 1.452,8386 |
353 | RO-20161466 | RO-290819 | | Team Daniel Pisla & George Vihtan | | 16-09-2016 10:28:57,70 | 1.452,8251 |
354 | NL-20160148 | NL-1783969 | | Brouwers | | 16-09-2016 10:28:58,10 | 1.452,7710 |
355 | NL-20160772 | NL-1598706 | | Hok M. Reijnen - P | | 16-09-2016 10:28:58,30 | 1.452,7439 |
356 | DE-20161754 | DE-02271-882 | | Team Wonderful / Rolfvon Well - A | Meinrad | 16-09-2016 10:28:58,50 | 1.452,7169 |
357 | RO-20161082 | | | Miahi Chirita - A | | 16-09-2016 10:28:59,30 | 1.452,6086 |
358 | NL-20161848 | NL-1600757 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - E | | 16-09-2016 10:28:59,80 | 1.452,5410 |
359 | IT-20160624 | IT-46135 | | Ghiacci & Camagni | | 16-09-2016 10:29:00,60 | 1.452,4328 |
360 | RO-20160490 | | | Florin - Derby Corabia | ADELA | 16-09-2016 10:29:00,80 | 1.452,4058 |
361 | NL-20161648 | NL-1665668 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - E | Kiara | 16-09-2016 10:29:01,90 | 1.452,2570 |
362 | RO-20160492 | RO-626005 | | Florin - Derby Corabia | EVA | 16-09-2016 10:29:02,50 | 1.452,1759 |
363 | NL-20160440 | | | Fam. De Kruijf | Isa | 16-09-2016 10:29:02,70 | 1.452,1489 |
364 | ES-20160165 | ES-244514 | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:02,70 | 1.452,1489 |
365 | SK-20160791 | | | Ivan Struhacka | | 16-09-2016 10:29:03,40 | 1.452,0543 |
366 | NL-20161632 | NL-1665654 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - A | Stitch | 16-09-2016 10:29:03,70 | 1.452,0137 |
367 | PT-20160183 | PT-6183467 | | Chokolate Team | Linda | 16-09-2016 10:29:03,90 | 1.451,9867 |
368 | PT-20160069 | PT-6450001 | | Armando Rocha | | 16-09-2016 10:29:04,20 | 1.451,9462 |
369 | NL-20161400 | | | Team B.J. Sukmellies | | 16-09-2016 10:29:04,90 | 1.451,8516 |
370 | NL-20160229 | | | Comb. De Graaff | Usain Bolt | 16-09-2016 10:29:05,80 | 1.451,7300 |
371 | IE-20161497 | IE-S118151 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - E | Marko | 16-09-2016 10:29:05,90 | 1.451,7165 |
372 | FR-20160814 | | | Jacques Ferouelle | The 211 | 16-09-2016 10:29:06,60 | 1.451,6219 |
373 | PT-20160806 | | | J. Costa & Diamantino Armada | | 16-09-2016 10:29:06,80 | 1.451,5949 |
374 | BE-20161452 | BE-3089669 | | Team Callens Karlos | | 16-09-2016 10:29:08,30 | 1.451,3923 |
375 | BE-20160978 | BE-3116266 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - I | Isa 3 | 16-09-2016 10:29:08,40 | 1.451,3788 |
376 | SK-20161247 | | | Pigeons Team Dula | | 16-09-2016 10:29:08,50 | 1.451,3653 |
377 | PT-20161201 | PT-6252244 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - F | | 16-09-2016 10:29:08,80 | 1.451,3248 |
378 | NL-20161710 | NL-1210893 | | Team SunKissed | Mora | 16-09-2016 10:29:09,10 | 1.451,2843 |
379 | NL-20160778 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - R | | 16-09-2016 10:29:09,20 | 1.451,2708 |
380 | NL-20160199 | | | Comb Poelman | | 16-09-2016 10:29:09,60 | 1.451,2168 |
381 | IE-20161130 | | | O`Barrs | | 16-09-2016 10:29:09,80 | 1.451,1898 |
382 | ES-20160906 | ES-231235 | | Juan Manuel Trujillo Sanchez | | 16-09-2016 10:29:10,30 | 1.451,1223 |
383 | BE-20160139 | | | Bosmans - Leekens | | 16-09-2016 10:29:10,40 | 1.451,1088 |
384 | IT-20160278 | IT-134388 | | Cristiano Paltrinieri | | 16-09-2016 10:29:10,60 | 1.451,0818 |
385 | BE-20160958 | BE-3116311 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - D | Pauline4 | 16-09-2016 10:29:11,10 | 1.451,0143 |
386 | NL-20161633 | NL-1665655 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - A | Sultan | 16-09-2016 10:29:11,50 | 1.450,9603 |
387 | DE-20160909 | | | Juergen Brocksch | | 16-09-2016 10:29:11,90 | 1.450,9064 |
388 | DE-20160285 | | | Daniel Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:29:12,50 | 1.450,8254 |
389 | SK-20161335 | SK-03108-114 | | Slovakia Race BDIK | | 16-09-2016 10:29:13,20 | 1.450,7309 |
390 | AT-20160115 | | | Beniamin Neag | | 16-09-2016 10:29:13,30 | 1.450,7175 |
391 | CZ-20161866 | CZ-05927-184 | | Zdenek Pavlik | Ferry | 16-09-2016 10:29:13,70 | 1.450,6635 |
392 | IE-20160614 | | | Gerry Daly | | 16-09-2016 10:29:13,80 | 1.450,6500 |
393 | IT-20161007 | | | Team Italy | | 16-09-2016 10:29:14,00 | 1.450,6230 |
394 | NL-20160207 | | | Comb. A. Mulder & Zn. - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:14,50 | 1.450,5556 |
395 | IE-20161808 | | | Vicent Cooney | | 16-09-2016 10:29:14,50 | 1.450,5556 |
396 | DE-20161516 | DE-6164-780 | | Team Gold Pigeons | Athos | 16-09-2016 10:29:14,60 | 1.450,5421 |
397 | IT-20160381 | IT-9411 | | Eduard Van der Pijl | | 16-09-2016 10:29:15,90 | 1.450,3668 |
398 | DE-20160912 | DE-2618-995 | | K. H. Wichert | | 16-09-2016 10:29:16,70 | 1.450,2589 |
399 | NL-20161841 | | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - C | | 16-09-2016 10:29:16,80 | 1.450,2454 |
400 | NL-20160252 | NL-3640897 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,20 | 1.450,1915 |
401 | NL-20160762 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - N | | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,30 | 1.450,1780 |
402 | BE-20160291 | | | Denys / Neirink | La Traviata | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,40 | 1.450,1645 |
403 | IE-20161127 | | | O`Barrs | | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,40 | 1.450,1645 |
404 | CH-20161232 | | | Peixoto & Pimenta - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,50 | 1.450,1511 |
405 | PT-20161090 | | | Minho Team | | 16-09-2016 10:29:17,90 | 1.450,0971 |
406 | SK-20161336 | SK-03108-111 | | Slovakia Race BDIK | | 16-09-2016 10:29:18,00 | 1.450,0837 |
407 | PL-20161077 | | | Maziarz – Tarasek | | 16-09-2016 10:29:19,00 | 1.449,9489 |
408 | NL-20161445 | | | Team Blue Dragons - H | | 16-09-2016 10:29:19,40 | 1.449,8950 |
409 | SK-20161310 | | | Rudolf Karaffa | | 16-09-2016 10:29:19,50 | 1.449,8815 |
410 | NL-20161653 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - F | Rex | 16-09-2016 10:29:19,90 | 1.449,8276 |
411 | NL-20160374 | NL-1427311 | | Dutch Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:20,50 | 1.449,7468 |
412 | ES-20161601 | | | Team Octavio & Martin | | 16-09-2016 10:29:20,90 | 1.449,6929 |
413 | CZ-20161026 | | | Macala Zdenek | | 16-09-2016 10:29:21,00 | 1.449,6794 |
414 | DE-20160928 | DE-03938-1966 | | Klaus Jaeger | | 16-09-2016 10:29:21,20 | 1.449,6525 |
415 | DE-20161343 | DE-09564-136 | | Spitzberg Team | | 16-09-2016 10:29:21,80 | 1.449,5716 |
416 | IE-20160923 | IE-S010260 | | Keegan & Darling | Check Charlie | 16-09-2016 10:29:22,00 | 1.449,5447 |
417 | IE-20160863 | | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - D | Joshs Macdonagh | 16-09-2016 10:29:22,10 | 1.449,5312 |
418 | IE-20161128 | | | O`Barrs | | 16-09-2016 10:29:24,50 | 1.449,2080 |
419 | BE-20161547 | BE-4135418 | | Team Jaeger Freddy TD | Marijn TD | 16-09-2016 10:29:25,30 | 1.449,1004 |
420 | NL-20161413 | NL-1327284 | | Team Blanco | | 16-09-2016 10:29:27,80 | 1.448,7639 |
421 | BE-20161806 | BE-2156274 | | Verreckt - Rutten - Deplae | | 16-09-2016 10:29:28,30 | 1.448,6966 |
422 | NL-20161276 | NL-1144798 | | PV de Luchtbode - C | Boer | 16-09-2016 10:29:29,20 | 1.448,5756 |
423 | IT-20160412 | IT-123755 | | Ervin Laro - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:30,70 | 1.448,3738 |
424 | BE-20160644 | BE-6272669 | | Goris - Vrins - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:31,30 | 1.448,2931 |
425 | NL-20160189 | | | Chris V. Ginkel | | 16-09-2016 10:29:32,70 | 1.448,1049 |
426 | BE-20160842 | BE-3114115 | | Johan & Luc Gevaert | Billy 1 | 16-09-2016 10:29:35,10 | 1.447,7824 |
427 | IE-20160858 | IE-S56676 | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - C | Joshs Ceannt | 16-09-2016 10:29:35,50 | 1.447,7286 |
428 | NL-20160551 | | | Gebr Rottine - I | PARYS | 16-09-2016 10:29:37,80 | 1.447,4197 |
429 | DE-20160283 | DE-1074336 | | Daniel Brandt | | 16-09-2016 10:29:40,20 | 1.447,0975 |
430 | NL-20160255 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - C | | 16-09-2016 10:29:43,80 | 1.446,6144 |
431 | PT-20160887 | PT-6400664 | | José Luis Gato | | 16-09-2016 10:29:44,20 | 1.446,5607 |
432 | NL-20161418 | | | Team Blue Dragons - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:46,50 | 1.446,2523 |
433 | NL-20160237 | NL-1095057 | | Comb. K.F.H | De 210 | 16-09-2016 10:29:46,60 | 1.446,2389 |
434 | ES-20161610 | | | Team Perla - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:46,70 | 1.446,2254 |
435 | PT-20160065 | PT-6450164 | | António Félix Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 10:29:48,80 | 1.445,9439 |
436 | BE-20160054 | | | Andre Lietaer | Leotine Bis | 16-09-2016 10:29:49,50 | 1.445,8501 |
437 | BE-20160399 | BE-3016279 | | Emiel Denys - E | | 16-09-2016 10:29:50,40 | 1.445,7295 |
438 | PT-20160173 | | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:51,70 | 1.445,5554 |
439 | UK-20161748 | UK-X67501 | | Team Wilton Uk - C | Elsa | 16-09-2016 10:29:52,00 | 1.445,5152 |
440 | NL-20161420 | NL-1049405 | | Team Blue Dragons - B | Blue Sky | 16-09-2016 10:29:53,50 | 1.445,3143 |
441 | AT-20161700 | | | Team Straif - A | | 16-09-2016 10:29:54,70 | 1.445,1536 |
442 | ES-20160661 | | | Gran Canaria One loft Race // Activated by Rob Jones | | 16-09-2016 10:29:55,10 | 1.445,1001 |
443 | IT-20160410 | IT-123748 | | Ervin Laro - B // Activated by Roli Wirz | | 16-09-2016 10:29:56,70 | 1.444,8859 |
444 | NL-20160093 | | | Bas & Damien Van Beveren | BBI | 16-09-2016 10:29:57,10 | 1.444,8324 |
445 | IQ-20160680 | IQ-2226485 | | Haji Razak | | 16-09-2016 10:29:57,30 | 1.444,8056 |
446 | NL-20160307 | NL-1709350 | | Dickmann - Stroetges - C | | 16-09-2016 10:29:57,70 | 1.444,7521 |
447 | DE-20160454 | DE-2733-635 | | Familie Soellner - C | | 16-09-2016 10:29:58,00 | 1.444,7120 |
448 | NL-20161833 | NL-1511820 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - A | Prikneus | 16-09-2016 10:29:58,20 | 1.444,6852 |
449 | PT-20160176 | | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - B | | 16-09-2016 10:29:59,40 | 1.444,5247 |
450 | IT-20160406 | | | Ervin Laro - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:00,20 | 1.444,4177 |
451 | NL-20160268 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - F | | 16-09-2016 10:30:00,30 | 1.444,4043 |
452 | UK-20161338 | | | Southampton & Downton Mafia | Ace | 16-09-2016 10:30:01,20 | 1.444,2840 |
453 | UK-20160649 | | | Gosmin and Jarvis | Matty | 16-09-2016 10:30:01,70 | 1.444,2171 |
454 | BE-20160382 | BE-3016464 | | Emiel Denys - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:01,80 | 1.444,2037 |
455 | IQ-20160679 | | | Haji Razak | | 16-09-2016 10:30:02,00 | 1.444,1770 |
456 | BE-20160385 | | | Emiel Denys - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:02,10 | 1.444,1636 |
457 | NL-20160695 | NL-1050993 | | Henk Simonsz | Rocky | 16-09-2016 10:30:02,80 | 1.444,0701 |
458 | CZ-20160656 | CZ-400-108 | | GPG Oversize - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:07,40 | 1.443,4554 |
459 | PT-20161179 | | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:07,50 | 1.443,4421 |
460 | NL-20160536 | NL-1646339 | | Gebr Rottine - E | VIVIAN | 16-09-2016 10:30:07,70 | 1.443,4153 |
461 | CH-20161868 | CH-3798 | | ZG Helios Bucher & Gehrken | | 16-09-2016 10:30:08,00 | 1.443,3753 |
462 | NL-20160731 | NL-1870015 | | Hok M. Reijnen - F | | 16-09-2016 10:30:08,60 | 1.443,2952 |
463 | PT-20161160 | PT-6101602 | | P4R Luís Marques A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:09,80 | 1.443,1349 |
464 | PT-20160126 | PT-6247628 | | Blue Army & Luis - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:10,50 | 1.443,0415 |
465 | BE-20161736 | BE-3106982 | | Team Wilfried Vandemaele | | 16-09-2016 10:30:10,70 | 1.443,0148 |
466 | DE-20161676 | DE-09984-021 | | Team Steckenbiller - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:11,50 | 1.442,9080 |
467 | PT-20161152 | | | Oxigen Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carlos Manuel | 16-09-2016 10:30:11,70 | 1.442,8813 |
468 | BE-20161028 | BE-4217729 | | Marc Bert - M.B. Racing Pig. Photography | | 16-09-2016 10:30:11,90 | 1.442,8546 |
469 | BE-20161103 | BE-3010440 | | Nicolas Norman - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:12,70 | 1.442,7479 |
470 | PT-20161332 | PT-6013180 | | Silva & Serôdio - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:13,20 | 1.442,6812 |
471 | FR-20160815 | | | Jacques Ferouelle | The 233 | 16-09-2016 10:30:13,80 | 1.442,6011 |
472 | AT-20161703 | AT-413-16-104 | | Team Straif - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,00 | 1.442,5744 |
473 | BE-20160087 | | | Bart Geerinckx | Blue Whitcy | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,50 | 1.442,5077 |
474 | PT-20161330 | PT-6013176 | | Silva & Serôdio - B // Activated by Bruno Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,50 | 1.442,5077 |
475 | NL-20160300 | | | Dickmann - Stroetges - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,70 | 1.442,4811 |
476 | PT-20161838 | | | Os Barros - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,80 | 1.442,4677 |
477 | SK-20161334 | | | Slovakia Race BDIK | | 16-09-2016 10:30:14,80 | 1.442,4677 |
478 | NL-20161271 | NL-1144955 | | PV de Luchtbode - B | Tjuk | 16-09-2016 10:30:15,10 | 1.442,4277 |
479 | NL-20160712 | NL-1870045 | | Hok M. Reijnen - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:15,40 | 1.442,3877 |
480 | NL-20160774 | NL-1598711 | | Hok M. Reijnen - Q | | 16-09-2016 10:30:15,70 | 1.442,3477 |
481 | BE-20161109 | BE-3010466 | | Nicolas Norman - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:15,80 | 1.442,3344 |
482 | PL-20161078 | | | Maziarz – Tarasek | | 16-09-2016 10:30:17,50 | 1.442,1077 |
483 | PL-20160832 | PL-262-7963 | | JKG Transport - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:17,80 | 1.442,0677 |
484 | CZ-20160825 | | | Jiri Konopik | Eva | 16-09-2016 10:30:18,20 | 1.442,0144 |
485 | PT-20161242 | PT-6269123 | | Pigeons 4 War | | 16-09-2016 10:30:18,40 | 1.441,9877 |
486 | PT-20160885 | PT-6400662 | | José Luis Gato | | 16-09-2016 10:30:19,40 | 1.441,8544 |
487 | SK-20160502 | | | Frantisek Gasko | Martina | 16-09-2016 10:30:19,50 | 1.441,8411 |
488 | ES-20160052 | ES-191267 | | Amigos de Valencia | | 16-09-2016 10:30:19,90 | 1.441,7878 |
489 | NL-20160150 | NL-1567786 | | Bustraan - Dekker Pigeons | | 16-09-2016 10:30:20,30 | 1.441,7345 |
490 | DE-20160060 | DE-09478-95 | | Andreas Behlke | ANDY II | 16-09-2016 10:30:20,50 | 1.441,7079 |
491 | BE-20160192 | | | Clicque Racing Pigeons - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:20,60 | 1.441,6945 |
492 | NL-20161640 | NL-1665671 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - C | Sleepy | 16-09-2016 10:30:20,80 | 1.441,6679 |
493 | NL-20160586 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:20,90 | 1.441,6546 |
494 | PT-20160884 | PT-6400661 | | José Luis Gato | | 16-09-2016 10:30:21,20 | 1.441,6146 |
495 | NL-20161598 | NL-1049544 | | Team MRT | Brenda | 16-09-2016 10:30:21,30 | 1.441,6013 |
496 | SK-20160505 | SK-1406144 | | Frantisek Gasko | Emilia | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,00 | 1.441,5080 |
497 | NL-20160676 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,10 | 1.441,4947 |
498 | SK-20161724 | SK-0999-6679 | | Team Vidhold & Lendel | Mama Mia | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,20 | 1.441,4814 |
499 | PT-20161321 | PT-6252203 | | Serafim & Luis | | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,40 | 1.441,4548 |
500 | NL-20160714 | NL-1870074 | | Hok M. Reijnen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,60 | 1.441,4281 |
501 | NL-20160764 | NL-1598701 | | Hok M. Reijnen - N | | 16-09-2016 10:30:22,90 | 1.441,3882 |
502 | ES-20160907 | ES-231251 | | Juan Manuel Trujillo Sanchez | | 16-09-2016 10:30:23,10 | 1.441,3615 |
503 | NL-20160747 | NL-1870067 | | Hok M. Reijnen - J | | 16-09-2016 10:30:23,20 | 1.441,3482 |
504 | BE-20160092 | BE-6056916 | | Bart Gillis | Ylrih | 16-09-2016 10:30:23,40 | 1.441,3216 |
505 | PT-20161150 | PT-6445581 | | Os Limianos | | 16-09-2016 10:30:23,40 | 1.441,3216 |
506 | NL-20161403 | NL-1704822 | | Team Bergmans V.Gils - A | STAN | 16-09-2016 10:30:23,90 | 1.441,2550 |
507 | BE-20160960 | BE-3116279 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - E | Odile 4 | 16-09-2016 10:30:24,10 | 1.441,2284 |
508 | BE-20161804 | | | Verreckt - Rutten - Deplae | | 16-09-2016 10:30:24,30 | 1.441,2017 |
509 | NL-20161050 | NL-1478548 | | Mat Schoordijk | | 16-09-2016 10:30:24,40 | 1.441,1884 |
510 | FR-20161533 | FR-33847 | | Team Henry Sylvain | The 847 | 16-09-2016 10:30:24,70 | 1.441,1485 |
511 | NL-20160682 | NL-1254347 | | Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp | Jerom | 16-09-2016 10:30:25,20 | 1.441,0819 |
512 | IE-20161459 | IE-S139173 | | Team Corn Store - B | | 16-09-2016 10:30:25,30 | 1.441,0686 |
513 | NL-20160609 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - F | | 16-09-2016 10:30:26,10 | 1.440,9621 |
514 | IQ-20160681 | | | Haji Razak // Activated by João Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:30:27,00 | 1.440,8423 |
515 | PT-20160891 | | | José Sousa Pinto & Filho | | 16-09-2016 10:30:28,10 | 1.440,6960 |
516 | NL-20160260 | NL-3640847 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - D | | 16-09-2016 10:30:28,30 | 1.440,6694 |
517 | NL-20160202 | | | Comb. A. Mulder & Zn. - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:28,40 | 1.440,6561 |
518 | NL-20160325 | NL-1441744 | | Dutch One Loft Team - H | Lady Lotti | 16-09-2016 10:30:29,00 | 1.440,5762 |
519 | IE-20161744 | | | Team Wilton Uk - B | Boris | 16-09-2016 10:30:29,30 | 1.440,5363 |
520 | IE-20161483 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - B | Elvis | 16-09-2016 10:30:29,90 | 1.440,4565 |
521 | UK-20161293 | | | Rob Jones | LOU-LOU | 16-09-2016 10:30:30,10 | 1.440,4299 |
522 | NL-20160112 | | | Ben Werink | Lies | 16-09-2016 10:30:30,30 | 1.440,4033 |
523 | NL-20160726 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - E | | 16-09-2016 10:30:30,30 | 1.440,4033 |
524 | IE-20160853 | | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - B | Joshs Dilema | 16-09-2016 10:30:30,80 | 1.440,3368 |
525 | BE-20160138 | BE-2256957 | | Bosmans - Leekens | | 16-09-2016 10:30:30,80 | 1.440,3368 |
526 | BE-20160390 | BE-3016631 | | Emiel Denys - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:32,00 | 1.440,1773 |
527 | NL-20161275 | | | PV de Luchtbode - C | Tess | 16-09-2016 10:30:32,30 | 1.440,1374 |
528 | BE-20161107 | | | Nicolas Norman - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:34,40 | 1.439,8582 |
529 | CH-20161867 | CH-3789 | | ZG Helios Bucher & Gehrken | | 16-09-2016 10:30:34,60 | 1.439,8317 |
530 | DE-20161557 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - B | ASTERIO | 16-09-2016 10:30:35,60 | 1.439,6988 |
531 | PT-20161091 | | | Mystery Team | | 16-09-2016 10:30:35,80 | 1.439,6722 |
532 | NL-20160769 | NL-1598722 | | Hok M. Reijnen - O | | 16-09-2016 10:30:36,20 | 1.439,6191 |
533 | NL-20161123 | | | Nulle - Wijgaarts | | 16-09-2016 10:30:38,30 | 1.439,3401 |
534 | UK-20160648 | UK-N74859 | | Gosmin and Jarvis | Black Knight | 16-09-2016 10:30:39,30 | 1.439,2073 |
535 | PL-20161054 | PL-233-1708 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:42,80 | 1.438,7428 |
536 | IE-20161458 | | | Team Corn Store - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:45,90 | 1.438,3315 |
537 | NL-20161766 | NL-1331766 | | Tom van der Kamp | | 16-09-2016 10:30:46,80 | 1.438,2122 |
538 | NL-20160519 | NL-1646473 | | Gebr Rottine - A | BLACKY 1 | 16-09-2016 10:30:50,90 | 1.437,6688 |
539 | NL-20160228 | | | Comb. De Graaff | Yohan Blake | 16-09-2016 10:30:51,10 | 1.437,6423 |
540 | DE-20160574 | | | Georg. Oswald - A | | 16-09-2016 10:30:51,90 | 1.437,5363 |
541 | PT-20161836 | PT-6334160 | | Os Barros - C | | 16-09-2016 10:30:51,90 | 1.437,5363 |
542 | PT-20161317 | PT-6190736 | | Semião e Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:30:52,40 | 1.437,4701 |
543 | DE-20161594 | | | Team Moby Dick | Erick | 16-09-2016 10:30:52,90 | 1.437,4038 |
544 | ES-20160051 | | | Amigos de Valencia | | 16-09-2016 10:30:53,10 | 1.437,3773 |
545 | NL-20161122 | NL-1427349 | | North Sea Loft | | 16-09-2016 10:30:53,60 | 1.437,3111 |
546 | AT-20161383 | | | Team Austria Wiefler - B | Susanne | 16-09-2016 10:30:53,70 | 1.437,2979 |
547 | BE-20160973 | BE-3116255 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - H | Andre 2 | 16-09-2016 10:30:54,00 | 1.437,2582 |
548 | PT-20161218 | PT-6252134 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - J | | 16-09-2016 10:30:54,80 | 1.437,1522 |
549 | DE-20160496 | DE-09478-224 | | Frank Hienzsch | | 16-09-2016 10:30:56,40 | 1.436,9404 |
550 | NL-20161273 | NL-1144924 | | PV de Luchtbode - C | Bennie | 16-09-2016 10:30:56,60 | 1.436,9140 |
551 | NL-20160198 | | | Comb Poelman | | 16-09-2016 10:30:57,40 | 1.436,8081 |
552 | IT-20160426 | IT-123750 | | Ervin Laro - F | | 16-09-2016 10:30:57,40 | 1.436,8081 |
553 | PT-20161224 | | | Pedro Rato & Luis | | 16-09-2016 10:30:57,90 | 1.436,7419 |
554 | NL-20161790 | NL-1843225 | | Van Eyh - Duwel | | 16-09-2016 10:30:58,10 | 1.436,7154 |
555 | NL-20160994 | NL-1771587 | | Leon Dautzenberg | | 16-09-2016 10:30:58,50 | 1.436,6625 |
556 | ES-20160050 | | | Amigos de Valencia | | 16-09-2016 10:30:58,80 | 1.436,6228 |
557 | NL-20160289 | | | Team De Brabantse Wal - B | Othello | 16-09-2016 10:30:59,30 | 1.436,5567 |
558 | MD-20160635 | MD-194 | | Gorbatovscki | | 16-09-2016 10:30:59,50 | 1.436,5302 |
559 | PT-20160708 | PT-6330016 | | Hexa Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Cornelio | 16-09-2016 10:31:00,40 | 1.436,4112 |
560 | NL-20160287 | NL-1630070 | | Team De Brabantse Wal - B | Tom | 16-09-2016 10:31:01,10 | 1.436,3186 |
561 | CZ-20160652 | | | GPG Oversize - A | | 16-09-2016 10:31:01,60 | 1.436,2525 |
562 | BE-20160393 | BE-3016641 | | Emiel Denys - C | | 16-09-2016 10:31:02,40 | 1.436,1467 |
563 | NL-20160302 | | | Dickmann - Stroetges - B | | 16-09-2016 10:31:02,70 | 1.436,1070 |
564 | NL-20161763 | | | Tom van der Kamp | | 16-09-2016 10:31:03,20 | 1.436,0409 |
565 | CZ-20161025 | CZ-1080455 | | Macala Zdenek | | 16-09-2016 10:31:04,20 | 1.435,9088 |
566 | BE-20160972 | BE-3116251 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - H | Andre 1 | 16-09-2016 10:31:04,40 | 1.435,8823 |
567 | CZ-20160816 | CZ-0256-0801 | | Jaroslav Sik | | 16-09-2016 10:31:06,30 | 1.435,6313 |
568 | NL-20160776 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - Q | | 16-09-2016 10:31:07,20 | 1.435,5124 |
569 | BE-20161803 | | | Verreckt - Rutten - Deplae | | 16-09-2016 10:31:07,60 | 1.435,4595 |
570 | DE-20161681 | DE-09984-041 | | Team Steckenbiller - B | | 16-09-2016 10:31:08,20 | 1.435,3803 |
571 | NL-20160326 | NL-1427267 | | Dutch One Loft Team - E | White Pepper | 16-09-2016 10:31:10,00 | 1.435,1426 |
572 | DE-20161353 | | | Sterner / Bremkes | | 16-09-2016 10:31:11,00 | 1.435,0106 |
573 | IE-20161358 | | | Superior Lofts | Stevieg | 16-09-2016 10:31:11,50 | 1.434,9446 |
574 | IT-20160420 | IT-123715 | | Ervin Laro - D | | 16-09-2016 10:31:11,80 | 1.434,9050 |
575 | BE-20160053 | BE-3007835 | | Andre Lietaer | Leotine | 16-09-2016 10:31:13,70 | 1.434,6543 |
576 | BE-20160395 | BE-3016652 | | Emiel Denys - D | | 16-09-2016 10:31:16,30 | 1.434,3113 |
577 | NL-20161644 | NL-1665660 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - D | Fauna | 16-09-2016 10:31:16,60 | 1.434,2717 |
578 | BE-20160959 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - D | Pauline 3 | 16-09-2016 10:31:17,70 | 1.434,1267 |
579 | BE-20160944 | BE-3116249 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - A | Kurt 1 | 16-09-2016 10:31:19,50 | 1.433,8894 |
580 | ES-20161722 | | | Team Ultzama - Maspalomas | | 16-09-2016 10:31:20,20 | 1.433,7972 |
581 | NL-20161267 | | | PV de Luchtbode - A | Thirza | 16-09-2016 10:31:23,70 | 1.433,3361 |
582 | NL-20160564 | NL-1646373 | | Gebr Rottine - L | VICTORIA | 16-09-2016 10:31:55,70 | 1.429,1342 |
583 | NL-20160734 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - G | | 16-09-2016 10:32:01,30 | 1.428,4014 |
584 | NL-20161270 | NL-1144360 | | PV de Luchtbode - B | Harrie | 16-09-2016 10:32:02,00 | 1.428,3098 |
585 | DK-20161039 | | | Masterbirds & Jensen - A | Big N Blue | 16-09-2016 10:32:04,60 | 1.427,9699 |
586 | BE-20161801 | BE-3107787 | | Vermander Eric | | 16-09-2016 10:32:10,50 | 1.427,1991 |
587 | SK-20161312 | SK-03108-519 | | Rudolf Karaffa | | 16-09-2016 10:32:12,70 | 1.426,9119 |
588 | PT-20161209 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - H | | 16-09-2016 10:32:14,20 | 1.426,7162 |
589 | DK-20161041 | DK-232-16-2422 | | Masterbirds & Jensen - A | Darker | 16-09-2016 10:32:19,30 | 1.426,0510 |
590 | IE-20161455 | IE-S139174 | | Team Corn Store - A | | 16-09-2016 10:32:20,80 | 1.425,8555 |
591 | BE-20160015 | BE-2155198 | | Alaerts Jonah & Noah | Geschelpt | 16-09-2016 10:32:21,50 | 1.425,7643 |
592 | NL-20160550 | NL-1646402 | | Gebr Rottine - I | MONALISA | 16-09-2016 10:32:22,10 | 1.425,6861 |
593 | IT-20160280 | IT-134370 | | Cristiano Paltrinieri | | 16-09-2016 10:32:22,10 | 1.425,6861 |
594 | IE-20161490 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - C | Saoirse | 16-09-2016 10:32:22,50 | 1.425,6340 |
595 | ES-20161630 | | | Team Perla - F // Activated by Yahve Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 10:32:26,20 | 1.425,1521 |
596 | BE-20160055 | BE-3007837 | | Andre Lietaer | Emilia | 16-09-2016 10:32:29,30 | 1.424,7486 |
597 | IE-20160134 | IE-SB329 | | Bobby Dalziel | | 16-09-2016 10:32:30,20 | 1.424,6315 |
598 | NL-20160722 | NL-1870052 | | Hok M. Reijnen - D | | 16-09-2016 10:32:31,30 | 1.424,4884 |
599 | NL-20160741 | NL-1870004 | | Hok M. Reijnen - H | | 16-09-2016 10:32:34,30 | 1.424,0983 |
600 | NL-20161032 | NL-1259676 | | Marcel Sangers | | 16-09-2016 10:32:36,80 | 1.423,7734 |
601 | NL-20160303 | | | Dickmann - Stroetges - B | | 16-09-2016 10:32:43,60 | 1.422,8903 |
602 | NL-20160761 | NL-1598707 | | Hok M. Reijnen - M | | 16-09-2016 10:32:46,30 | 1.422,5400 |
603 | IE-20161829 | | | Wallace & Stobbs | | 16-09-2016 10:32:47,80 | 1.422,3454 |
604 | ES-20161616 | ES-244858 | | Team Perla - C | | 16-09-2016 10:32:52,10 | 1.421,7880 |
605 | DE-20161686 | | | Team Steckenbiller - C | | 16-09-2016 10:32:52,50 | 1.421,7362 |
606 | NL-20160187 | NL-1207689 | | Chris V. Ginkel | | 16-09-2016 10:32:52,60 | 1.421,7232 |
607 | DE-20161820 | DE-07100-508 | | Volker Sippel | | 16-09-2016 10:32:53,70 | 1.421,5807 |
608 | PL-20161066 | PL-233-1763 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - D | | 16-09-2016 10:32:54,80 | 1.421,4382 |
609 | NL-20160993 | | | Leon Dautzenberg | | 16-09-2016 10:32:55,50 | 1.421,3475 |
610 | NL-20161472 | NL-1629192 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - C | Ineke | 16-09-2016 10:32:57,00 | 1.421,1533 |
611 | NL-20161522 | | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - A | | 16-09-2016 10:32:58,90 | 1.420,9074 |
612 | PT-20161000 | PT-6115501 | | Lima & Bruno | | 16-09-2016 10:33:01,40 | 1.420,5839 |
613 | NL-20160844 | | | Johan Van Boxmeer | JB-4 | 16-09-2016 10:33:03,60 | 1.420,2994 |
614 | NL-20161728 | NL-1650640 | | Team Vuurtoren - B | Guus | 16-09-2016 10:33:04,50 | 1.420,1830 |
615 | IE-20160862 | IE-S56609 | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - D | Joshs World | 16-09-2016 10:33:10,30 | 1.419,4335 |
616 | IE-20160276 | IE-C9084 | | Cookstown Sizzlers | | 16-09-2016 10:33:10,50 | 1.419,4077 |
617 | RO-20161079 | | | Miahi Chirita - A // Activated by Pedro José | | 16-09-2016 10:33:11,40 | 1.419,2914 |
618 | PT-20161830 | PT-6334169 | | Os Barros - A | | 16-09-2016 10:33:13,40 | 1.419,0332 |
619 | DE-20161556 | DE-08857-462 | | Team Jung & Jupid - B | ALMINE | 16-09-2016 10:33:13,80 | 1.418,9816 |
620 | NL-20161787 | | | Van Eyh - Duwel | | 16-09-2016 10:33:19,50 | 1.418,2463 |
621 | IE-20160922 | | | Keegan & Darling | Blue Linda | 16-09-2016 10:33:23,50 | 1.417,7307 |
622 | IT-20160623 | | | Ghiacci & Camagni | | 16-09-2016 10:33:27,10 | 1.417,2670 |
623 | ES-20160162 | | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - A | | 16-09-2016 10:33:28,60 | 1.417,0739 |
624 | PT-20160120 | PT-6247605 | | Blue Army & Luis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:33:34,50 | 1.416,3149 |
625 | NL-20161730 | | | Team Vuurtoren - B | Jos | 16-09-2016 10:33:37,10 | 1.415,9806 |
626 | CN-20160499 | | | Frank Liu | DEPTH CHARGE | 16-09-2016 10:33:38,20 | 1.415,8392 |
627 | DE-20161300 | | | Team Roeltgen K-E | Explosiv | 16-09-2016 10:33:42,30 | 1.415,3126 |
628 | NL-20161422 | | | Team Blue Dragons - B | Blue Sea | 16-09-2016 10:33:44,40 | 1.415,0430 |
629 | DE-20160449 | DE-2733-610 | | Familie Soellner - A | | 16-09-2016 10:33:44,80 | 1.414,9917 |
630 | NL-20160236 | NL-1095051 | | Comb. K.F.H | De 209 | 16-09-2016 10:33:45,30 | 1.414,9275 |
631 | NL-20160591 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - B | | 16-09-2016 10:33:47,70 | 1.414,6195 |
632 | BE-20161370 | BE-3106251 | | Team A&M Vanhee - B | | 16-09-2016 10:33:48,20 | 1.414,5554 |
633 | NL-20160522 | NL-1646325 | | Gebr Rottine - B | MELISA | 16-09-2016 10:33:48,50 | 1.414,5169 |
634 | DE-20160025 | | | Alexander Gebel - B | | 16-09-2016 10:33:49,10 | 1.414,4400 |
635 | CZ-20161024 | CZ-1080454 | | Macala Zdenek | | 16-09-2016 10:33:50,50 | 1.414,2605 |
636 | DE-20160915 | | | K. H. Wichert | | 16-09-2016 10:33:52,50 | 1.414,0041 |
637 | PT-20160883 | | | José Gonçalves Araújo - B | | 16-09-2016 10:33:53,70 | 1.413,8503 |
638 | US-20161303 | US-6197074 | | Roman Brothers & Asas do Algarve | | 16-09-2016 10:33:54,30 | 1.413,7734 |
639 | IT-20160281 | IT-134383 | | Cristiano Paltrinieri | | 16-09-2016 10:33:54,90 | 1.413,6965 |
640 | DE-20160919 | | | Alexander Kamella | | 16-09-2016 10:33:55,40 | 1.413,6325 |
641 | DE-20160447 | | | Familie Soellner - A | | 16-09-2016 10:33:55,60 | 1.413,6069 |
642 | IT-20160416 | | | Ervin Laro - C | | 16-09-2016 10:33:57,80 | 1.413,3251 |
643 | NL-20161470 | NL-3628719 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - A | Pedro | 16-09-2016 10:33:59,80 | 1.413,0691 |
644 | DE-20160585 | | | Gerald Schmidt | | 16-09-2016 10:34:00,10 | 1.413,0307 |
645 | DE-20161563 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - D | NO NAME | 16-09-2016 10:34:00,80 | 1.412,9411 |
646 | DK-20161042 | | | Masterbirds & Jensen - A | Darkest | 16-09-2016 10:34:01,40 | 1.412,8643 |
647 | NL-20160143 | NL-1012334 | | Bram Wassenaar | | 16-09-2016 10:34:01,80 | 1.412,8131 |
648 | DE-20161341 | | | Spitzberg Team | | 16-09-2016 10:34:03,40 | 1.412,6084 |
649 | DE-20160023 | | | Alexander Gebel - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:03,60 | 1.412,5829 |
650 | PT-20161212 | PT-6252140 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - I | | 16-09-2016 10:34:05,60 | 1.412,3271 |
651 | IT-20160423 | | | Ervin Laro - E | | 16-09-2016 10:34:06,20 | 1.412,2504 |
652 | BE-20161800 | BE-3107720 | | Vermander Eric | | 16-09-2016 10:34:06,90 | 1.412,1609 |
653 | PT-20161089 | PT-6445422 | | Minho Team | | 16-09-2016 10:34:07,60 | 1.412,0714 |
654 | PT-20160130 | PT-6247625 | | Blue Army & Luis - C | | 16-09-2016 10:34:08,70 | 1.411,9308 |
655 | NL-20160766 | NL-1598704 | | Hok M. Reijnen - O | | 16-09-2016 10:34:08,70 | 1.411,9308 |
656 | NL-20160004 | | | Aat & Pé Laan | | 16-09-2016 10:34:08,80 | 1.411,9180 |
657 | PT-20161145 | PT-6067255 | | Os Bravos & Francisco Graça | Marcos | 16-09-2016 10:34:09,50 | 1.411,8286 |
658 | UK-20161294 | UK-N49008 | | Rob Jones | HOPE | 16-09-2016 10:34:09,80 | 1.411,7903 |
659 | RO-20160491 | RO-626003 | | Florin - Derby Corabia | EMMA | 16-09-2016 10:34:09,90 | 1.411,7775 |
660 | UK-20161340 | | | Southampton & Downton Mafia | Michelle | 16-09-2016 10:34:12,40 | 1.411,4581 |
661 | DE-20160044 | DE-7407-1047 | | Alexander Gebel - F | | 16-09-2016 10:34:12,50 | 1.411,4454 |
662 | NL-20161636 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - B | Zeus | 16-09-2016 10:34:13,00 | 1.411,3815 |
663 | PT-20161831 | | | Os Barros - B | | 16-09-2016 10:34:13,60 | 1.411,3049 |
664 | PT-20160882 | | | José Gonçalves Araújo - B | | 16-09-2016 10:34:13,80 | 1.411,2794 |
665 | PT-20161147 | PT-6445421 | | Os Limianos | | 16-09-2016 10:34:14,40 | 1.411,2028 |
666 | NL-20160314 | NL-6183363 | | Dutch Alicia Racers | Compadre | 16-09-2016 10:34:14,80 | 1.411,1517 |
667 | PL-20161053 | PL-233-1659 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:15,00 | 1.411,1262 |
668 | DE-20161675 | | | Team Steckenbiller - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:16,50 | 1.410,9347 |
669 | IE-20161495 | IE-S118160 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - E | Imperza | 16-09-2016 10:34:17,00 | 1.410,8709 |
670 | IE-20160699 | IE-B2054 | | Hennie Kallmeyer | | 16-09-2016 10:34:18,20 | 1.410,7178 |
671 | ES-20161620 | ES-244900 | | Team Perla - D | | 16-09-2016 10:34:18,60 | 1.410,6668 |
672 | NL-20161503 | NL-1032613 | | Team Friesland - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:19,40 | 1.410,5648 |
673 | BG-20160180 | BG-53347 | | Ceci Georgiev | | 16-09-2016 10:34:19,60 | 1.410,5393 |
674 | NL-20161855 | NL-1688783 | | Will & Dirk Geudens | GEUKE 2 | 16-09-2016 10:34:20,40 | 1.410,4372 |
675 | DE-20160934 | | | Klaus karlheim | | 16-09-2016 10:34:21,40 | 1.410,3097 |
676 | NL-20160250 | NL-3640961 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - B | | 16-09-2016 10:34:24,10 | 1.409,9656 |
677 | BE-20161548 | BE-4135422 | | Team Jaeger Freddy TD | Freddy TD | 16-09-2016 10:34:24,50 | 1.409,9146 |
678 | CZ-20160818 | | | Jaroslav Sik | | 16-09-2016 10:34:33,60 | 1.408,7560 |
679 | PT-20160171 | PT-6423419 | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:39,80 | 1.407,9677 |
680 | RO-20160445 | RO-17974 | | Familia Bacalu | | 16-09-2016 10:34:40,70 | 1.407,8533 |
681 | PT-20161255 | | | Pombal João Xavier Júnior | XAVIER 720 | 16-09-2016 10:34:45,40 | 1.407,2564 |
682 | SK-20160663 | SK-999-1161 | | Greg Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:34:46,30 | 1.407,1421 |
683 | IE-20160866 | | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - E | Joshs Welcome | 16-09-2016 10:34:53,80 | 1.406,1908 |
684 | NL-20161292 | | | Rens Van der Zijde | | 16-09-2016 10:34:56,10 | 1.405,8994 |
685 | NL-20160558 | NL-1646415 | | Gebr Rottine - K | PORTO | 16-09-2016 10:34:56,90 | 1.405,7980 |
686 | NL-20161421 | NL-1049410 | | Team Blue Dragons - B | Blue Dream | 16-09-2016 10:35:01,70 | 1.405,1902 |
687 | NL-20160587 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - A | | 16-09-2016 10:35:03,80 | 1.404,9244 |
688 | DE-20161585 | DE-1131-723 | | Team Matador | Messi | 16-09-2016 10:35:04,60 | 1.404,8232 |
689 | IE-20161460 | | | Team Corn Store - B | | 16-09-2016 10:35:06,70 | 1.404,5576 |
690 | NL-20160759 | NL-1598779 | | Hok M. Reijnen - M | | 16-09-2016 10:35:10,80 | 1.404,0393 |
691 | BE-20161027 | BE-4217717 | | Marc Bert - M.B. Racing Pig. Photography | | 16-09-2016 10:35:15,50 | 1.403,4456 |
692 | NL-20160188 | NL-1207695 | | Chris V. Ginkel | | 16-09-2016 10:35:16,60 | 1.403,3068 |
693 | BE-20160640 | BE-6227263 | | Goris - Vrins - A | | 16-09-2016 10:35:39,60 | 1.400,4094 |
694 | IT-20160414 | IT-123768 | | Ervin Laro - C | | 16-09-2016 10:35:42,90 | 1.399,9946 |
695 | PL-20161064 | PL-233-1612 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - D | | 16-09-2016 10:35:49,70 | 1.399,1408 |
696 | BE-20161099 | BE-3010436 | | Nicolas Norman - A | | 16-09-2016 10:35:50,10 | 1.399,0906 |
697 | PT-20161315 | | | Rui Coelho & David Mestre | | 16-09-2016 10:35:51,00 | 1.398,9777 |
698 | BE-20160404 | BE-3016292 | | Emiel Denys - F | | 16-09-2016 10:35:54,20 | 1.398,5763 |
699 | PT-20161195 | PT-6252184 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - E | | 16-09-2016 10:35:55,40 | 1.398,4259 |
700 | IE-20160803 | | | J. and J. Carabini | Red | 16-09-2016 10:35:55,40 | 1.398,4259 |
701 | NL-20161473 | | | Team de Brabantse Wal - C | Hannah | 16-09-2016 10:35:56,80 | 1.398,2504 |
702 | IT-20160407 | | | Ervin Laro - A | | 16-09-2016 10:36:08,10 | 1.396,8356 |
703 | NL-20160530 | NL-1646362 | | Gebr Rottine - D | DOLCE | 16-09-2016 10:36:09,30 | 1.396,6856 |
704 | NL-20160757 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - L | | 16-09-2016 10:36:10,80 | 1.396,4980 |
705 | PT-20161283 | PT-6290519 | | Regal Lofts | | 16-09-2016 10:36:11,20 | 1.396,4480 |
706 | BE-20160386 | BE-3016459 | | Emiel Denys - B | | 16-09-2016 10:36:11,70 | 1.396,3855 |
707 | NL-20160589 | NL-1448129 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - A | | 16-09-2016 10:36:12,60 | 1.396,2730 |
708 | SK-20160436 | | | Evin Peter | Peter | 16-09-2016 10:36:13,90 | 1.396,1106 |
709 | NL-20160601 | | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - D | | 16-09-2016 10:36:14,40 | 1.396,0481 |
710 | BE-20161136 | | | Op de Beeck Baetens | | 16-09-2016 10:36:15,80 | 1.395,8732 |
711 | PT-20161200 | PT-6252197 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - F | | 16-09-2016 10:36:15,90 | 1.395,8607 |
712 | BE-20160900 | BE-6214283 | | Joseph Van Put - B | Bjorn | 16-09-2016 10:36:17,60 | 1.395,6484 |
713 | PT-20161219 | PT-6252166 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - K | | 16-09-2016 10:36:18,40 | 1.395,5486 |
714 | NL-20161510 | | | Team Friesland - B | Sven | 16-09-2016 10:36:18,70 | 1.395,5111 |
715 | DE-20160476 | | | Feuriger Fluegel Krosigk - B | Maria | 16-09-2016 10:36:19,40 | 1.395,4237 |
716 | NL-20160559 | NL-1646419 | | Gebr Rottine - K | BELGIE | 16-09-2016 10:36:21,50 | 1.395,1617 |
717 | NL-20160227 | NL-1126987 | | Comb. De Graaff // Activated by Rob Jones | Asafa Powell | 16-09-2016 10:36:21,80 | 1.395,1242 |
718 | GR-20160924 | GR-103213 | | Kiriazidis & Kontogiannis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:36:23,60 | 1.394,8997 |
719 | NL-20160246 | NL-3640791 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - A | | 16-09-2016 10:36:23,90 | 1.394,8623 |
720 | KW-20160821 | | | Jassim Al Kulaib | | 16-09-2016 10:36:24,10 | 1.394,8373 |
721 | CH-20161231 | CH-404 | | Peixoto & Pimenta - A | | 16-09-2016 10:36:24,40 | 1.394,7999 |
722 | BE-20161673 | | | Team Sky Horses | Sert | 16-09-2016 10:36:26,30 | 1.394,5630 |
723 | NL-20161850 | NL-1511832 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - E | | 16-09-2016 10:36:27,10 | 1.394,4633 |
724 | NL-20161536 | NL-4030039 | | Team Hyloon | | 16-09-2016 10:36:27,60 | 1.394,4009 |
725 | NL-20160234 | | | Comb. K.F.H | De 051 | 16-09-2016 10:36:28,00 | 1.394,3511 |
726 | IE-20161167 | IE-S136707 | | Paddy Brophy | | 16-09-2016 10:36:28,20 | 1.394,3262 |
727 | AT-20161395 | AT-301-16-508 | | Team Austria Marchat | Algarve Falcon | 16-09-2016 10:36:30,90 | 1.393,9898 |
728 | NL-20160728 | NL-1870053 | | Hok M. Reijnen - E | | 16-09-2016 10:36:31,10 | 1.393,9648 |
729 | IE-20160855 | IE-S56669 | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - B | Joshs de Valera | 16-09-2016 10:36:34,20 | 1.393,5788 |
730 | PT-20160705 | | | Hernani & Moisés | | 16-09-2016 10:36:34,40 | 1.393,5539 |
731 | DE-20161572 | DE-8857-529 | | Team Jung & Jupid - F | Riebery | 16-09-2016 10:36:34,60 | 1.393,5290 |
732 | BE-20160945 | BE-3116257 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - A | Kurt 2 | 16-09-2016 10:36:34,90 | 1.393,4917 |
733 | NL-20161047 | | | Mat Schoordijk | | 16-09-2016 10:36:38,10 | 1.393,0935 |
734 | PT-20160613 | PT-6056794 | | Germano Ribeiro | | 16-09-2016 10:36:38,80 | 1.393,0064 |
735 | CZ-20160651 | | | GPG Oversize - A | | 16-09-2016 10:36:39,20 | 1.392,9566 |
736 | CZ-20161306 | | | Roman Zlicar | Davy Jones | 16-09-2016 10:36:39,60 | 1.392,9069 |
737 | PT-20160706 | PT-6330019 | | Hexa Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carmenlita | 16-09-2016 10:36:39,80 | 1.392,8820 |
738 | BE-20160194 | | | Clicque Racing Pigeons - B | | 16-09-2016 10:36:41,20 | 1.392,7079 |
739 | NL-20160675 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:36:41,60 | 1.392,6582 |
740 | CZ-20160817 | CZ-0256-0802 | | Jaroslav Sik | | 16-09-2016 10:36:42,20 | 1.392,5836 |
741 | BE-20160103 | | | Belgavet - Seiffert | | 16-09-2016 10:36:42,40 | 1.392,5587 |
742 | PL-20161059 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - C | | 16-09-2016 10:36:44,30 | 1.392,3226 |
743 | AT-20161704 | | | Team Straif - B | | 16-09-2016 10:36:45,10 | 1.392,2232 |
744 | NL-20160316 | | | Dutch Alicia Racers | Ourives | 16-09-2016 10:36:47,40 | 1.391,9375 |
745 | PT-20161284 | | | Regal Lofts | | 16-09-2016 10:36:52,20 | 1.391,3416 |
746 | IE-20161175 | IE-S47401 | | Pat Maher | Abbey View Les | 16-09-2016 10:36:53,90 | 1.391,1307 |
747 | PT-20161018 | PT-6311301 | | Luis Gomes | | 16-09-2016 10:36:54,20 | 1.391,0934 |
748 | PT-20161193 | PT-6252176 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 10:36:56,80 | 1.390,7710 |
749 | PT-20161254 | PT-6157720 | | Pombal João Xavier Júnior | XAVIER 714 | 16-09-2016 10:36:57,70 | 1.390,6594 |
750 | PT-20161203 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - G | | 16-09-2016 10:36:59,10 | 1.390,4859 |
751 | NL-20160241 | NL-4281206 | | Comb. Nood - Baarda | Pierewamick | 16-09-2016 10:37:01,50 | 1.390,1885 |
752 | ES-20160012 | | | Aday Rodriguez - Felix Santiago Cubas - B | | 16-09-2016 10:37:26,10 | 1.387,1475 |
753 | BE-20160965 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - F | Raf 2 | 16-09-2016 10:37:31,80 | 1.386,4448 |
754 | NL-20161590 | NL-1422352 | | Team Mec | | 16-09-2016 10:37:33,50 | 1.386,2354 |
755 | PT-20161256 | | | Pombal João Xavier Júnior | XAVIER 723 | 16-09-2016 10:37:33,90 | 1.386,1861 |
756 | NL-20160377 | NL-1427332 | | Dutch Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:37:35,50 | 1.385,9891 |
757 | IT-20160425 | | | Ervin Laro - E | | 16-09-2016 10:37:38,60 | 1.385,6074 |
758 | NL-20161262 | | | Proffi Sport/ Bons Duivenvervoer | | 16-09-2016 10:37:39,50 | 1.385,4967 |
759 | IQ-20160678 | | | Haji Razak | | 16-09-2016 10:37:41,90 | 1.385,2014 |
760 | NL-20160556 | NL-1646407 | | Gebr Rottine - J | MISS BRAUTY | 16-09-2016 10:37:44,30 | 1.384,9063 |
761 | NL-20160344 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - F | Kiss 65 | 16-09-2016 10:37:47,60 | 1.384,5007 |
762 | DE-20161682 | DE-09984-047 | | Team Steckenbiller - B | | 16-09-2016 10:37:47,80 | 1.384,4761 |
763 | BE-20160961 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - E | Odile1 | 16-09-2016 10:37:49,70 | 1.384,2427 |
764 | ES-20161608 | ES-244869 | | Team Perla - A | | 16-09-2016 10:37:50,60 | 1.384,1322 |
765 | DE-20160446 | DE-2733-607 | | Familie Soellner - A | | 16-09-2016 10:37:53,80 | 1.383,7393 |
766 | DE-20161677 | DE-09984-011 | | Team Steckenbiller - A | | 16-09-2016 10:37:54,10 | 1.383,7025 |
767 | BE-20160482 | BE-3008570 | | Flanders Revelation | Tonia | 16-09-2016 10:37:55,20 | 1.383,5675 |
768 | DE-20161571 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - F | Six | 16-09-2016 10:37:58,40 | 1.383,1749 |
769 | NL-20160677 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:37:59,70 | 1.383,0155 |
770 | PT-20161214 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - I | | 16-09-2016 10:38:00,40 | 1.382,9297 |
771 | ES-20161720 | | | Team Ultzama - Maspalomas | | 16-09-2016 10:38:04,60 | 1.382,4150 |
772 | IT-20160413 | | | Ervin Laro - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:17,20 | 1.380,8731 |
773 | NL-20160208 | NL-1173036 | | Comb. A. Mulder & Zn. - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:27,50 | 1.379,6153 |
774 | BE-20160643 | BE-6272678 | | Goris - Vrins - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:28,80 | 1.379,4567 |
775 | BE-20161100 | BE-3010412 | | Nicolas Norman - A | | 16-09-2016 10:38:30,70 | 1.379,2250 |
776 | BE-20160387 | | | Emiel Denys - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:35,40 | 1.378,6521 |
777 | PT-20160119 | PT-6247604 | | Blue Army & Luis - A // Activated by Luis Catarino | | 16-09-2016 10:38:41,50 | 1.377,9093 |
778 | DE-20160466 | DE-2733-828 | | Familie Soellner - F | | 16-09-2016 10:38:41,60 | 1.377,8971 |
779 | AT-20160113 | | | Beniamin Neag | | 16-09-2016 10:38:44,60 | 1.377,5321 |
780 | AT-20161706 | | | Team Straif - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:47,40 | 1.377,1916 |
781 | IE-20161169 | IE-S136780 | | Paddy Brophy | | 16-09-2016 10:38:55,10 | 1.376,2561 |
782 | NL-20160096 | | | Bas & Damien Van Beveren | BBIII | 16-09-2016 10:38:55,70 | 1.376,1832 |
783 | NL-20160082 | NL-1088322 | | B. Ploeg | | 16-09-2016 10:38:56,60 | 1.376,0740 |
784 | PT-20160880 | PT-6456817 | | José Gonçalves Araújo - B | | 16-09-2016 10:38:59,80 | 1.375,6856 |
785 | NL-20160543 | NL-1646321 | | Gebr Rottine - G // Activated by José Marques | NIMNIM | 16-09-2016 10:39:00,20 | 1.375,6371 |
786 | NL-20160716 | NL-1870070 | | Hok M. Reijnen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:39:02,40 | 1.375,3703 |
787 | NL-20161765 | NL-1331742 | | Tom van der Kamp | | 16-09-2016 10:39:03,80 | 1.375,2006 |
788 | NL-20160545 | NL-1646361 | | Gebr Rottine - G | RONALDO | 16-09-2016 10:39:06,30 | 1.374,8975 |
789 | NL-20160563 | NL-1646384 | | Gebr Rottine - L | TONIA | 16-09-2016 10:39:07,30 | 1.374,7764 |
790 | SK-20161725 | | | Team Vidhold & Lendel | Adka | 16-09-2016 10:39:07,50 | 1.374,7521 |
791 | IE-20160921 | IE-S10259 | | Keegan & Darling | Golden | 16-09-2016 10:39:09,80 | 1.374,4736 |
792 | NL-20160154 | NL-1540120 | | C. Van Gelder - A | Kleinduimpje | 16-09-2016 10:39:10,60 | 1.374,3767 |
793 | BE-20161780 | BE-6214211 | | Van Damme - Weyns | | 16-09-2016 10:39:11,60 | 1.374,2556 |
794 | PT-20161207 | PT-6252128 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - H | | 16-09-2016 10:39:13,00 | 1.374,0861 |
795 | NL-20161857 | | | Will & Dirk Geudens | GEUKE 4 | 16-09-2016 10:39:20,40 | 1.373,1911 |
796 | PT-20161183 | PT-6252222 | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:39:22,60 | 1.372,9252 |
797 | BE-20160987 | BE-1128282 | | Laurent Sauvage | Blue Hope | 16-09-2016 10:39:24,00 | 1.372,7561 |
798 | NL-20161408 | NL-1704823 | | Team Bergmans V.Gils - B | ZOEY | 16-09-2016 10:39:24,30 | 1.372,7198 |
799 | BE-20161549 | | | Team Jaeger Freddy TD | Frank TD | 16-09-2016 10:39:24,40 | 1.372,7078 |
800 | PT-20160118 | PT-6247611 | | Blue Army & Luis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:39:27,70 | 1.372,3093 |
801 | DE-20160465 | | | Familie Soellner - E | | 16-09-2016 10:39:28,00 | 1.372,2730 |
802 | NL-20160109 | | | Ben Werink | Jaap | 16-09-2016 10:39:29,00 | 1.372,1523 |
803 | PT-20161140 | PT-6178706 | | Os Alto da Pirica | | 16-09-2016 10:39:29,20 | 1.372,1282 |
804 | PT-20161186 | | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:39:29,50 | 1.372,0920 |
805 | GR-20161112 | | | kiriazidis & Kontogiannis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:39:30,50 | 1.371,9713 |
806 | PT-20161139 | | | Os Alto da Pirica | | 16-09-2016 10:39:30,60 | 1.371,9593 |
807 | NL-20161852 | | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - F | | 16-09-2016 10:39:31,20 | 1.371,8869 |
808 | PT-20160121 | PT-6247606 | | Blue Army & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:39:31,70 | 1.371,8266 |
809 | AT-20161380 | AT-503-609 | | Team Austria Wiefler - A | Lea | 16-09-2016 10:39:33,50 | 1.371,6094 |
810 | BE-20160898 | BE-6214289 | | Joseph Van Put - A | | 16-09-2016 10:39:34,70 | 1.371,4647 |
811 | NL-20160159 | NL-1540117 | | C. Van Gelder - B | Goliad | 16-09-2016 10:39:35,60 | 1.371,3562 |
812 | NL-20160732 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - F | | 16-09-2016 10:39:36,20 | 1.371,2839 |
813 | AT-20161387 | | | Team Austria | | 16-09-2016 10:39:42,10 | 1.370,5731 |
814 | NL-20160144 | NL-1012328 | | Bram Wassenaar | | 16-09-2016 10:39:43,20 | 1.370,4406 |
815 | DE-20161551 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - A | JACK | 16-09-2016 10:39:44,80 | 1.370,2481 |
816 | IE-20161476 | IE-S118658 | | Team Donnelly & Kirkwood | Ryley | 16-09-2016 10:39:49,50 | 1.369,6826 |
817 | NL-20160809 | NL-1682728 | | J. V. Keulen | | 16-09-2016 10:39:51,10 | 1.369,4902 |
818 | NL-20161432 | | | Team Blue Dragons - E | TJITTE & LESLEY 3 | 16-09-2016 10:39:55,30 | 1.368,9855 |
819 | UK-20161745 | UK-X61373 | | Team Wilton Uk - B | Colin | 16-09-2016 10:39:57,80 | 1.368,6852 |
820 | UK-20161296 | | | Rob Jones | SCRAP MAN | 16-09-2016 10:40:00,40 | 1.368,3730 |
821 | PT-20161225 | | | Pedro Rato & Luis | | 16-09-2016 10:40:04,70 | 1.367,8571 |
822 | BE-20160389 | BE-3016471 | | Emiel Denys - B | | 16-09-2016 10:40:09,20 | 1.367,3176 |
823 | IT-20160380 | IT-9418 | | Eduard Van der Pijl | | 16-09-2016 10:40:30,70 | 1.364,7458 |
824 | IE-20161479 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - A | Dolce Harry | 16-09-2016 10:40:36,30 | 1.364,0775 |
825 | DE-20161584 | | | Team Matador | Hulk | 16-09-2016 10:40:38,80 | 1.363,7794 |
826 | CZ-20161307 | CZ-74-12 | | Roman Zlicar | Jack Sparrow | 16-09-2016 10:40:40,30 | 1.363,6006 |
827 | CZ-20160062 | CZ-32-410 | | Antonin Mayer | Jan | 16-09-2016 10:40:41,90 | 1.363,4099 |
828 | NL-20160535 | | | Gebr Rottine - E // Activated by José Marques | YRON | 16-09-2016 10:40:42,40 | 1.363,3503 |
829 | NL-20160541 | | | Gebr Rottine - F | SANTOS | 16-09-2016 10:40:44,30 | 1.363,1240 |
830 | SK-20161248 | SK-02304-773 | | Pigeons Team Dula | | 16-09-2016 10:40:47,40 | 1.362,7549 |
831 | SK-20160437 | SK-2601-644 | | Evin Peter | Noemka | 16-09-2016 10:40:48,80 | 1.362,5882 |
832 | BE-20160949 | BE-3116258 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - B | Manu 3 | 16-09-2016 10:40:49,90 | 1.362,4573 |
833 | PT-20160998 | PT-6304668 | | Licínio Moura | | 16-09-2016 10:40:51,10 | 1.362,3145 |
834 | PT-20160170 | PT-6423423 | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:40:51,70 | 1.362,2432 |
835 | DE-20160461 | DE-2733-799 | | Familie Soellner - D | | 16-09-2016 10:40:54,50 | 1.361,9102 |
836 | DE-20160033 | DE-7407-528 | | Alexander Gebel - D | | 16-09-2016 10:40:55,40 | 1.361,8032 |
837 | NL-20160355 | NL-1441685 | | Dutch One Loft Team - I | Dutch Mole | 16-09-2016 10:40:59,70 | 1.361,2922 |
838 | PT-20161148 | PT-6445582 | | Os Limianos // Activated by Pedro Miguel | | 16-09-2016 10:41:02,80 | 1.360,9240 |
839 | PL-20160834 | PL-262-7998 | | JKG Transport - B | | 16-09-2016 10:41:03,00 | 1.360,9003 |
840 | IE-20160507 | IE-X20285 | | G & J Douglas | | 16-09-2016 10:41:03,30 | 1.360,8647 |
841 | PL-20161052 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - A | | 16-09-2016 10:41:03,80 | 1.360,8053 |
842 | IT-20160473 | | | Fellegara Team | | 16-09-2016 10:41:05,30 | 1.360,6273 |
843 | NL-20160267 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - F | | 16-09-2016 10:41:08,50 | 1.360,2476 |
844 | PT-20160075 | PT-6206205 | | Asas do Sul | | 16-09-2016 10:41:08,90 | 1.360,2002 |
845 | BE-20160405 | BE-3016300 | | Emiel Denys - F | | 16-09-2016 10:41:09,10 | 1.360,1765 |
846 | IE-20161496 | | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - E | Nutty Nora | 16-09-2016 10:41:11,10 | 1.359,9393 |
847 | IE-20161170 | IE-S136737 | | Paddy Brophy | | 16-09-2016 10:41:14,80 | 1.359,5008 |
848 | PT-20161174 | | | Papo Cheio | | 16-09-2016 10:41:15,40 | 1.359,4297 |
849 | DE-20160026 | DE-7407-533 | | Alexander Gebel - B | | 16-09-2016 10:41:16,80 | 1.359,2639 |
850 | NL-20160253 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - B | | 16-09-2016 10:41:19,50 | 1.358,9442 |
851 | BE-20160403 | BE-3016252 | | Emiel Denys - F | | 16-09-2016 10:41:20,50 | 1.358,8258 |
852 | PT-20161346 | | | Sporting Pigeons Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:41:22,60 | 1.358,5773 |
853 | PT-20161165 | | | P4R Luís Marques B | | 16-09-2016 10:41:27,20 | 1.358,0333 |
854 | PT-20160072 | | | Armando Rocha // Activated by Rob Jones | | 16-09-2016 10:41:36,00 | 1.356,9937 |
855 | NL-20161414 | NL-1201039 | | Team Blanco | | 16-09-2016 10:41:36,80 | 1.356,8993 |
856 | BE-20160963 | BE-3116262 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - E | Odile 3 | 16-09-2016 10:41:37,70 | 1.356,7931 |
857 | IT-20160415 | IT-123710 | | Ervin Laro - C // Activated by João Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:41:40,40 | 1.356,4746 |
858 | NL-20160553 | NL-1646431 | | Gebr Rottine - I // Activated by José Marques | FIDELIA | 16-09-2016 10:41:41,10 | 1.356,3920 |
859 | NL-20161410 | NL-1704826 | | Team Bergmans V.Gils - B | DEWI | 16-09-2016 10:41:43,10 | 1.356,1562 |
860 | NL-20161443 | NL-1427305 | | Team Blue Dragons - H | | 16-09-2016 10:41:43,90 | 1.356,0619 |
861 | PT-20160071 | PT-6445025 | | Armando Rocha | | 16-09-2016 10:41:45,10 | 1.355,9204 |
862 | SK-20161132 | SK-605-1403 | | Ondrej Vano | Stevo | 16-09-2016 10:41:46,50 | 1.355,7554 |
863 | BA-20161545 | | | Team Istocnkak | | 16-09-2016 10:41:48,30 | 1.355,5434 |
864 | IE-20160275 | | | Cookstown Sizzlers | | 16-09-2016 10:41:49,50 | 1.355,4021 |
865 | CZ-20161863 | CZ-05927-170 | | Zdenek Pavlik | Elisabeth | 16-09-2016 10:41:52,30 | 1.355,0724 |
866 | NL-20161788 | | | Van Eyh - Duwel | | 16-09-2016 10:41:52,80 | 1.355,0136 |
867 | BE-20161369 | | | Team A&M Vanhee - B | | 16-09-2016 10:41:53,30 | 1.354,9547 |
868 | NL-20160740 | NL-1870005 | | Hok M. Reijnen - H | | 16-09-2016 10:41:57,10 | 1.354,5076 |
869 | NL-20160200 | NL-1069833 | | Comb Poelman | | 16-09-2016 10:41:58,30 | 1.354,3665 |
870 | NL-20160542 | NL-1646365 | | Gebr Rottine - G | DORAN | 16-09-2016 10:42:02,00 | 1.353,9316 |
871 | ES-20160659 | | | Gran Canaria One loft Race | | 16-09-2016 10:42:07,50 | 1.353,2856 |
872 | PL-20160830 | PL-262-7969 | | JKG Transport - A | | 16-09-2016 10:42:11,90 | 1.352,7693 |
873 | BE-20161454 | BE-3089671 | | Team Callens Karlos | | 16-09-2016 10:42:19,60 | 1.351,8666 |
874 | BE-20160977 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - I | Isa 2 | 16-09-2016 10:42:22,40 | 1.351,5387 |
875 | NL-20160358 | NL-1441747 | | Dutch One Loft Team - J | Van | 16-09-2016 10:42:26,50 | 1.351,0588 |
876 | DE-20160057 | DE-09478-83 | | Andreas Behlke | | 16-09-2016 10:42:27,30 | 1.350,9652 |
877 | DE-20161689 | DE-09984-079 | | Team Steckenbiller - D | | 16-09-2016 10:42:28,50 | 1.350,8248 |
878 | DE-20160459 | DE-2733-790 | | Familie Soellner - D | | 16-09-2016 10:42:30,30 | 1.350,6143 |
879 | NL-20160231 | NL-4283515 | | Comb. Hoekstra / Mendes da Costa | Second | 16-09-2016 10:42:31,10 | 1.350,5207 |
880 | PT-20161146 | | | Os Bravos & Francisco Graça | Alicia | 16-09-2016 10:42:33,40 | 1.350,2519 |
881 | NL-20160521 | NL-1646364 | | Gebr Rottine - A | BLACKY3 | 16-09-2016 10:42:34,80 | 1.350,0883 |
882 | IE-20160700 | | | Hennie Kallmeyer | | 16-09-2016 10:42:39,40 | 1.349,5510 |
883 | CH-20161869 | CH-3786 | | ZG Helios Bucher & Gehrken // Activated by Roli Wirz | | 16-09-2016 10:42:44,40 | 1.348,9675 |
884 | BE-20160569 | | | Gebr. Herbots | | 16-09-2016 10:42:48,50 | 1.348,4894 |
885 | NL-20160540 | | | Gebr Rottine - F | FIDEEL | 16-09-2016 10:42:51,60 | 1.348,1282 |
886 | NL-20161037 | NL-1686885 | | Mark Van den Berg | MALJE 2 | 16-09-2016 10:42:56,50 | 1.347,5576 |
887 | NL-20160230 | | | Comb. Hoekstra / Mendes da Costa | First | 16-09-2016 10:43:12,40 | 1.345,7093 |
888 | NL-20161764 | NL-1331730 | | Tom van der Kamp | | 16-09-2016 10:43:30,40 | 1.343,6230 |
889 | NL-20160262 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - E | | 16-09-2016 10:43:41,80 | 1.342,3050 |
890 | NL-20160525 | NL-1646328 | | Gebr Rottine - B | GABY | 16-09-2016 10:43:42,80 | 1.342,1895 |
891 | RO-20161080 | | | Miahi Chirita - A | | 16-09-2016 10:43:45,80 | 1.341,8431 |
892 | BE-20160980 | BE-3116268 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - J | Jules 1 | 16-09-2016 10:43:48,90 | 1.341,4854 |
893 | BE-20160975 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - H | Andre 4 | 16-09-2016 10:43:50,10 | 1.341,3470 |
894 | GR-20161113 | | | kiriazidis & Kontogiannis - A | | 16-09-2016 10:43:51,00 | 1.341,2432 |
895 | NL-20160565 | NL-1646334 | | Gebr Rottine - L | ALWAYS | 16-09-2016 10:43:53,30 | 1.340,9781 |
896 | ES-20161660 | ES-87482 | | Team San José | | 16-09-2016 10:43:54,60 | 1.340,8282 |
897 | PT-20161832 | PT-6334161 | | Os Barros - B | | 16-09-2016 10:43:54,60 | 1.340,8282 |
898 | PT-20161286 | PT-6451207 | | Renato Santos & Lino Vieira | | 16-09-2016 10:43:55,80 | 1.340,6899 |
899 | NL-20160240 | NL-1014501 | | Comb. Nood - Baarda | Speedy | 16-09-2016 10:43:56,60 | 1.340,5978 |
900 | PT-20161351 | | | Sporting Pigeons Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:43:58,20 | 1.340,4135 |
901 | SK-20161311 | | | Rudolf Karaffa | | 16-09-2016 10:43:58,70 | 1.340,3559 |
902 | PT-20160124 | | | Blue Army & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:43:59,60 | 1.340,2522 |
903 | DE-20161558 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - B | ASTRIT | 16-09-2016 10:44:01,40 | 1.340,0450 |
904 | NL-20161034 | | | Marcel Sangers | | 16-09-2016 10:44:06,60 | 1.339,4467 |
905 | BE-20160982 | BE-3116290 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - J | Jules 3 | 16-09-2016 10:44:08,30 | 1.339,2512 |
906 | PT-20160703 | | | Hernani & Moisés | | 16-09-2016 10:44:13,40 | 1.338,6651 |
907 | PL-20161063 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - D | | 16-09-2016 10:44:37,00 | 1.335,9596 |
908 | NL-20160081 | NL-1088321 | | B. Ploeg | | 16-09-2016 10:44:49,60 | 1.334,5196 |
909 | BE-20160899 | BE-6214292 | | Joseph Van Put - A | | 16-09-2016 10:44:49,80 | 1.334,4967 |
910 | DE-20160021 | DE-7407-27 | | Alexander Gebel - A | | 16-09-2016 10:44:50,30 | 1.334,4397 |
911 | CZ-20160657 | CZ-400-111 | | GPG Oversize - B | | 16-09-2016 10:45:05,10 | 1.332,7524 |
912 | JP-20161375 | JP-3106210 | | Team A&M Vanhee - Eri Myojin | | 16-09-2016 10:45:08,90 | 1.332,3199 |
913 | DE-20161568 | | | Team Jung & Jupid - E | Bartstuber | 16-09-2016 10:45:18,10 | 1.331,2738 |
914 | PT-20161252 | PT-6157707 | | Pombal João Xavier | XAVIER 729 | 16-09-2016 10:45:40,30 | 1.328,7565 |
915 | IT-20160419 | | | Ervin Laro - D | | 16-09-2016 10:45:55,70 | 1.327,0158 |
916 | CN-20160498 | CN-1426102 | | Frank Liu | | 16-09-2016 10:45:56,10 | 1.326,9707 |
917 | NL-20160242 | | | Comb. V/P Heide de Vries | | 16-09-2016 10:46:08,90 | 1.325,5274 |
918 | PT-20160879 | PT-6456810 | | José Gonçalves Araújo - A | | 16-09-2016 10:46:12,50 | 1.325,1221 |
919 | PT-20161192 | PT-6252174 | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 10:46:14,70 | 1.324,8745 |
920 | DE-20161680 | DE-09984-037 | | Team Steckenbiller - B | | 16-09-2016 10:46:21,40 | 1.324,1211 |
921 | PT-20161151 | PT-6330008 | | Oxigen Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carlos Afonso | 16-09-2016 10:46:22,90 | 1.323,9525 |
922 | PT-20160122 | | | Blue Army & Luis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:46:25,40 | 1.323,6717 |
923 | IE-20161830 | IE-S95411 | | Wallace & Stobbs | | 16-09-2016 10:46:33,10 | 1.322,8074 |
924 | NL-20160527 | | | Gebr Rottine - C | FILLIPIN | 16-09-2016 10:46:38,40 | 1.322,2132 |
925 | GR-20160925 | | | Kiriazidis & Kontogiannis - B | | 16-09-2016 10:46:40,50 | 1.321,9779 |
926 | ES-20160168 | ES-230089 | | C.E.C.A.C - Antonio Cutino - B | | 16-09-2016 10:46:43,80 | 1.321,6083 |
927 | ES-20161659 | | | Team San José | | 16-09-2016 10:46:45,50 | 1.321,4180 |
928 | NL-20161437 | NL-1037148 | | Team Blue Dragons - F | BLEU STAR | 16-09-2016 10:46:47,00 | 1.321,2501 |
929 | NL-20160110 | | | Ben Werink | Janneke | 16-09-2016 10:46:49,00 | 1.321,0263 |
930 | PT-20161190 | PT-6252242 | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - C | | 16-09-2016 10:46:49,40 | 1.320,9816 |
931 | NL-20161523 | | | Team GPS / Spoor der Kampioen - B | | 16-09-2016 10:46:50,30 | 1.320,8809 |
932 | SK-20161131 | SK-605-1414 | | Ondrej Vano | Big Fighter | 16-09-2016 10:46:58,20 | 1.319,9980 |
933 | PT-20160174 | PT-6423426 | | Carvalho & Figueiredo - B // Activated by Rui Lucio | | 16-09-2016 10:47:23,20 | 1.317,2116 |
934 | BE-20160485 | BE-3113134 | | Flanders Revelation | Lucien | 16-09-2016 10:47:36,60 | 1.315,7229 |
935 | SE-20161280 | | | Rayan George | | 16-09-2016 10:47:44,90 | 1.314,8025 |
936 | NL-20160593 | NL-1448094 | | Gerb. V. den Berg / Starrenburg - B | | 16-09-2016 10:48:05,40 | 1.312,5347 |
937 | NL-20160745 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - I | | 16-09-2016 10:48:34,30 | 1.309,3509 |
938 | NL-20161431 | | | Team Blue Dragons - E | TJITTE & LESLEY 2 | 16-09-2016 10:48:48,90 | 1.307,7484 |
939 | PT-20160630 | PT-6165015 | | Golden Wings - B | | 16-09-2016 10:48:56,60 | 1.306,9048 |
940 | DE-20161577 | DE-08213-403 | | Team Mark Buse& Family - B | Meteor | 16-09-2016 10:49:13,00 | 1.305,1117 |
941 | NL-20160755 | NL-1870072 | | Hok M. Reijnen - L | | 16-09-2016 10:49:13,50 | 1.305,0571 |
942 | IE-20161827 | | | Wallace & Stobbs | | 16-09-2016 10:49:26,80 | 1.303,6066 |
943 | IT-20160417 | IT-123718 | | Ervin Laro - C | | 16-09-2016 10:49:37,90 | 1.302,3986 |
944 | DE-20161685 | | | Team Steckenbiller - C | | 16-09-2016 10:49:38,40 | 1.302,3442 |
945 | IE-20160856 | IE-S56678 | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - C | Joshs Plunkett | 16-09-2016 10:49:48,60 | 1.301,2362 |
946 | NL-20160254 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - C | | 16-09-2016 10:49:53,60 | 1.300,6937 |
947 | SK-20160669 | | | Greg Team - B | | 16-09-2016 10:49:58,90 | 1.300,1192 |
948 | NL-20160263 | NL-3640876 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - E | | 16-09-2016 10:50:04,60 | 1.299,5019 |
949 | NL-20161638 | NL-1665667 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - B | Kenal | 16-09-2016 10:50:06,40 | 1.299,3070 |
950 | IT-20160418 | | | Ervin Laro - D | | 16-09-2016 10:50:11,10 | 1.298,7986 |
951 | DE-20160312 | | | Dietmar Kaiser | Maswa | 16-09-2016 10:50:17,40 | 1.298,1177 |
952 | CZ-20160826 | CZ-34-713 | | Jiri Konopik | Heli | 16-09-2016 10:50:20,40 | 1.297,7938 |
953 | BE-20160953 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - C | Louis 2 | 16-09-2016 10:50:27,10 | 1.297,0708 |
954 | AT-20161391 | | | Team Austria - Koenigsecker | Nemona | 16-09-2016 10:50:52,80 | 1.294,3051 |
955 | PT-20160893 | | | José Tavares & F. Costa | | 16-09-2016 10:51:05,20 | 1.292,9748 |
956 | UK-20161743 | UK-X61367 | | Team Wilton Uk - B // Activated by Dutch Team | Soleil | 16-09-2016 10:51:34,50 | 1.289,8425 |
957 | ES-20160660 | ES-60194 | | Gran Canaria One loft Race | | 16-09-2016 10:51:44,00 | 1.288,8301 |
958 | NL-20160620 | NL-4430856 | | Gert Rotman | | 16-09-2016 10:51:44,10 | 1.288,8195 |
959 | IT-20160411 | IT-123723 | | Ervin Laro - B | | 16-09-2016 10:52:34,00 | 1.283,5281 |
960 | PT-20161194 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 10:52:36,20 | 1.283,2958 |
961 | PT-20161240 | PT-6274523 | | Pigeons 4 War | | 16-09-2016 10:52:40,30 | 1.282,8631 |
962 | PL-20161067 | PL-233-1671 | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - E | | 16-09-2016 10:53:05,30 | 1.280,2311 |
963 | NL-20161838 | NL-1601299 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - B | | 16-09-2016 10:53:24,30 | 1.278,2380 |
964 | PT-20161141 | | | Os Alto da Pirica | | 16-09-2016 10:53:47,50 | 1.275,8127 |
965 | PT-20161164 | PT-6101510 | | P4R Luís Marques B | | 16-09-2016 10:53:50,00 | 1.275,5519 |
966 | NL-20161505 | | | Team Friesland - A | | 16-09-2016 10:53:50,30 | 1.275,5206 |
967 | IE-20161491 | IE-S118252 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - D | Luigi | 16-09-2016 10:53:50,70 | 1.275,4789 |
968 | PT-20161760 | PT-6180249 | | The Compton Bassett Missiles | TORPEDO | 16-09-2016 10:53:57,20 | 1.274,8014 |
969 | GR-20160513 | GR-1017076 | | G. & D. Aslanidis | | 16-09-2016 10:54:03,40 | 1.274,1559 |
970 | NL-20160317 | | | Dutch Alicia Racers | Casqueira | 16-09-2016 10:54:03,90 | 1.274,1038 |
971 | CZ-20160653 | CZ-400-101 | | GPG Oversize - A | | 16-09-2016 10:54:08,30 | 1.273,6461 |
972 | NL-20161708 | | | Team SunKissed | Henk | 16-09-2016 10:54:12,50 | 1.273,2095 |
973 | PT-20160129 | PT-6247634 | | Blue Army & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 10:54:14,70 | 1.272,9810 |
974 | IT-20160427 | IT-123727 | | Ervin Laro - F | | 16-09-2016 10:54:24,10 | 1.272,0053 |
975 | NL-20160328 | NL-1528277 | | Dutch One Loft Team - A | Gemma | 16-09-2016 10:54:33,50 | 1.271,0311 |
976 | NL-20161588 | NL-1422351 | | Team Mec | | 16-09-2016 10:54:35,40 | 1.270,8344 |
977 | PT-20161002 | | | Loja do Canário SAD | | 16-09-2016 10:55:59,00 | 1.262,2380 |
978 | SK-20160664 | | | Greg Team - A | | 16-09-2016 10:55:59,40 | 1.262,1972 |
979 | PL-20161065 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - D | | 16-09-2016 10:56:01,50 | 1.261,9828 |
980 | UK-20161750 | | | Team Wilton Uk - C | Dee | 16-09-2016 10:56:04,70 | 1.261,6562 |
981 | PT-20160886 | PT-6400663 | | José Luis Gato | | 16-09-2016 10:56:05,90 | 1.261,5337 |
982 | BE-20161805 | | | Verreckt - Rutten - Deplae | | 16-09-2016 10:56:08,50 | 1.261,2685 |
983 | PT-20161144 | | | Os Bravos & Francisco Graça | | 16-09-2016 10:56:25,40 | 1.259,5475 |
984 | DE-20160581 | | | Georg. Oswald - B | | 16-09-2016 10:56:25,60 | 1.259,5272 |
985 | IE-20161746 | | | Team Wilton Uk - B | Maurice | 16-09-2016 10:56:31,10 | 1.258,9681 |
986 | DE-20160691 | DE-5095-327 | | Florian & Jannih Hartmann | | 16-09-2016 10:56:34,20 | 1.258,6532 |
987 | BE-20160979 | | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - I | Isa 4 | 16-09-2016 10:56:43,70 | 1.257,6892 |
988 | DE-20160037 | DE-7407-1039 | | Alexander Gebel - E | | 16-09-2016 10:56:45,90 | 1.257,4662 |
989 | IT-20161006 | | | Team Italy | | 16-09-2016 10:56:54,10 | 1.256,6356 |
990 | BE-20160392 | BE-3016523 | | Emiel Denys - C | | 16-09-2016 10:56:55,00 | 1.256,5445 |
991 | NL-20160249 | | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - A | | 16-09-2016 10:56:58,60 | 1.256,1802 |
992 | JP-20161373 | JP-3106199 | | Team A&M Vanhee - Eri Myojin | | 16-09-2016 10:57:06,40 | 1.255,3917 |
993 | DE-20161579 | DE-08213-386 | | Team Mark Buse& Family - A | Family`s Hope | 16-09-2016 10:57:11,00 | 1.254,9272 |
994 | BE-20161102 | BE-3010461 | | Nicolas Norman - A // Activated by Bert Ploeg | | 16-09-2016 10:57:13,70 | 1.254,6547 |
995 | RO-20161086 | | | Miahi Chirita - B | | 16-09-2016 10:57:23,20 | 1.253,6968 |
996 | DK-20161040 | | | Masterbirds & Jensen - A | Beauty | 16-09-2016 10:57:29,10 | 1.253,1026 |
997 | DE-20161578 | DE-08213-367 | | Team Mark Buse& Family - A | Vulcano | 16-09-2016 10:57:31,10 | 1.252,9014 |
998 | NL-20160777 | NL-1598710 | | Hok M. Reijnen - Q | | 16-09-2016 10:58:43,60 | 1.245,6482 |
999 | BE-20160397 | BE-3016265 | | Emiel Denys - D | | 16-09-2016 10:58:53,30 | 1.244,6842 |
1000 | SK-20161539 | SK-03108-02 | | Team Ilavsky | Schmeichel | 16-09-2016 10:58:56,80 | 1.244,3367 |
1001 | PT-20161320 | PT-6190739 | | Semião e Silva | | 16-09-2016 10:59:04,70 | 1.243,5531 |
1002 | DE-20160579 | DE-5001-443 | | Georg. Oswald - B | | 16-09-2016 10:59:09,10 | 1.243,1170 |
1003 | NL-20161046 | NL-1029694 | | Masterbirds & Jensen - B | Super Red | 16-09-2016 10:59:12,40 | 1.242,7902 |
1004 | SK-20160941 | SK-1106-818 | | Krajcik Daniel & Andrea | Votjech | 16-09-2016 10:59:26,70 | 1.241,3760 |
1005 | SK-20161133 | SK-605-1444 | | Ondrej Vano | Ondro | 16-09-2016 10:59:35,10 | 1.240,5468 |
1006 | NL-20160718 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - C | | 16-09-2016 10:59:49,10 | 1.239,1672 |
1007 | NL-20160335 | | | Dutch One Loft Team - D | Lucky | 16-09-2016 10:59:49,50 | 1.239,1278 |
1008 | CZ-20161865 | CZ-05927-185 | | Zdenek Pavlik | Maria | 16-09-2016 11:00:28,80 | 1.235,2718 |
1009 | NL-20161121 | NL-1446099 | | North Sea Loft | | 16-09-2016 11:01:18,10 | 1.230,4683 |
1010 | IE-20160851 | | | Jos Reilly Team Ireland - A | Joshs Victory | 16-09-2016 11:01:35,10 | 1.228,8206 |
1011 | BE-20160976 | BE-3116263 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - I | Isa 1 | 16-09-2016 11:02:59,60 | 1.220,6955 |
1012 | KW-20160823 | | | Jassim Al Kulaib | | 16-09-2016 11:04:10,50 | 1.213,9605 |
1013 | PT-20161217 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - J | | 16-09-2016 11:04:18,10 | 1.213,2430 |
1014 | NL-20160847 | NL-1702929 | | Johan Van Boxmeer | JB-2 | 16-09-2016 11:04:18,60 | 1.213,1958 |
1015 | IE-20160701 | IE-B2053 | | Hennie Kallmeyer | | 16-09-2016 11:04:25,40 | 1.212,5546 |
1016 | PT-20160997 | | | Licínio Moura | | 16-09-2016 11:04:26,40 | 1.212,4604 |
1017 | NL-20160222 | | | Comb. Bleeker | | 16-09-2016 11:04:39,40 | 1.211,2365 |
1018 | DE-20161751 | DE-0147-181 | | Team Wonderful / Rolfvon Well - A | Reiner | 16-09-2016 11:04:58,60 | 1.209,4336 |
1019 | DE-20161575 | | | Team Mark Buse& Family - A | Snowball | 16-09-2016 11:06:45,70 | 1.199,4741 |
1020 | IE-20161360 | | | Superior Lofts | Blue Leean | 16-09-2016 11:07:02,30 | 1.197,9451 |
1021 | NL-20160555 | NL-1646406 | | Gebr Rottine - J | LOLITA | 16-09-2016 11:07:50,10 | 1.193,5639 |
1022 | NL-20160084 | NL-1088324 | | B. Ploeg | | 16-09-2016 11:07:53,70 | 1.193,2353 |
1023 | NL-20161449 | | | Team Burggraaf | DARK PEARL | 16-09-2016 11:07:58,10 | 1.192,8338 |
1024 | IT-20160424 | IT-123728 | | Ervin Laro - E | | 16-09-2016 11:08:16,80 | 1.191,1307 |
1025 | IE-20160277 | | | Cookstown Sizzlers | | 16-09-2016 11:08:50,60 | 1.188,0645 |
1026 | BE-20161105 | | | Nicolas Norman - B | | 16-09-2016 11:08:53,30 | 1.187,8203 |
1027 | PT-20161827 | | | Os Barros - A | | 16-09-2016 11:08:55,80 | 1.187,5942 |
1028 | PT-20160067 | PT-6450172 | | António Félix Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 11:09:33,60 | 1.184,1866 |
1029 | IE-20161485 | IE-S118236 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - B | Rita | 16-09-2016 11:09:34,70 | 1.184,0877 |
1030 | CZ-20160819 | CZ-0256-0804 | | Jaroslav Sik // Activated by Jacinto Alberto | | 16-09-2016 11:09:37,40 | 1.183,8451 |
1031 | AT-20161388 | AT-301-16-505 | | Team Austria | Taka Tuka | 16-09-2016 11:09:38,80 | 1.183,7193 |
1032 | ES-20161624 | ES-244890 | | Team Perla - E | | 16-09-2016 11:09:39,40 | 1.183,6654 |
1033 | NL-20161436 | | | Team Blue Dragons - F | BOELENS 5 | 16-09-2016 11:09:40,80 | 1.183,5397 |
1034 | PL-20161071 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - F | | 16-09-2016 11:09:40,80 | 1.183,5397 |
1035 | NL-20161769 | NL-1538745 | | Ton de Kovel & Tower Flyers Loft | TFL 3 | 16-09-2016 11:09:42,10 | 1.183,4230 |
1036 | DE-20160671 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - A | | 16-09-2016 11:09:49,40 | 1.182,7680 |
1037 | ES-20160009 | | | Aday Rodriguez - Felix Santiago Cubas - B | | 16-09-2016 11:09:50,10 | 1.182,7052 |
1038 | NL-20160739 | NL-1870076 | | Hok M. Reijnen - H | | 16-09-2016 11:09:58,50 | 1.181,9525 |
1039 | NL-20160872 | NL-1650995 | | Jos van Overdijk | Collen | 16-09-2016 11:10:02,70 | 1.181,5765 |
1040 | AT-20161396 | AT-301-16-509 | | Team Austria Marchat | Algarve Jona | 16-09-2016 11:10:20,20 | 1.180,0124 |
1041 | PT-20161156 | PT-6102530 | | P4R & Vitor Espinhal | | 16-09-2016 11:10:30,90 | 1.179,0581 |
1042 | IT-20160470 | IT-101901 | | Fellegara Team | | 16-09-2016 11:10:32,10 | 1.178,9512 |
1043 | NL-20161430 | NL-1037150 | | Team Blue Dragons - D | Geng5 | 16-09-2016 11:11:12,00 | 1.175,4069 |
1044 | DE-20161593 | | | Team Moby Dick | Carlos | 16-09-2016 11:11:36,40 | 1.173,2499 |
1045 | NL-20160845 | | | Johan Van Boxmeer | JB-3 | 16-09-2016 11:11:38,40 | 1.173,0735 |
1046 | NL-20160746 | NL-1870044 | | Hok M. Reijnen - J | | 16-09-2016 11:12:58,80 | 1.166,0239 |
1047 | NL-20160696 | | | Henk Simonsz | Price | 16-09-2016 11:13:25,90 | 1.163,6667 |
1048 | UK-20160570 | UK-N88847 | | Geoff & Catherine Cooper | Ferme Noble | 16-09-2016 11:16:37,60 | 1.147,2613 |
1049 | NL-20160758 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - M | | 16-09-2016 11:18:31,60 | 1.137,7228 |
1050 | PT-20161189 | PT-6252240 | | Paulo , Delfim & Luis - C | | 16-09-2016 11:19:06,60 | 1.134,8261 |
1051 | DE-20161695 | DE-09984-096 | | Team Steckenbiller - F | | 16-09-2016 11:19:14,10 | 1.134,2073 |
1052 | DE-20160480 | DE-1638-13 | | Feuriger Fluegel Krosigk - B // Activated by João Silva | Angel | 16-09-2016 11:20:00,80 | 1.130,3693 |
1053 | NL-20160273 | NL-3640959 | | Comb. Van Waanrooij - G | | 16-09-2016 11:20:53,60 | 1.126,0611 |
1054 | NL-20160717 | NL-1870025 | | Hok M. Reijnen - B | | 16-09-2016 11:21:22,20 | 1.123,7412 |
1055 | NL-20161411 | NL-1201161 | | Team Blanco | | 16-09-2016 11:21:27,20 | 1.123,3366 |
1056 | ES-20161626 | ES-244895 | | Team Perla - E | | 16-09-2016 11:21:41,60 | 1.122,1730 |
1057 | DE-20160022 | DE-7407-28 | | Alexander Gebel - A | | 16-09-2016 11:25:10,80 | 1.105,5362 |
1058 | NL-20160218 | | | Comb. Beverdam - C | | 16-09-2016 11:27:29,20 | 1.094,7983 |
1059 | PL-20161075 | PL-233-1646 | | Maziarz – Tarasek | | 16-09-2016 11:28:36,20 | 1.089,6746 |
1060 | DE-20161666 | DE-09546-524 | | Team Schnellin | Silber Smiths | 16-09-2016 11:28:57,30 | 1.088,0710 |
1061 | NL-20160433 | NL-1820130 | | Evert Antonides | Marathon 1 | 16-09-2016 11:33:10,80 | 1.069,1669 |
1062 | ES-20161629 | ES-244893 | | Team Perla - F | | 16-09-2016 11:33:28,40 | 1.067,8788 |
1063 | ES-20161614 | ES-244856 | | Team Perla - B // Activated by Yahve Rodrigues | | 16-09-2016 11:33:54,80 | 1.065,9524 |
1064 | NL-20161438 | | | Team Blue Dragons - F | TJITTE & LESLEY 5 | 16-09-2016 11:36:08,80 | 1.056,2808 |
1065 | NL-20161831 | NL-1600767 | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - A | Koperneus | 16-09-2016 11:37:32,10 | 1.050,3565 |
1066 | NL-20160548 | NL-1646392 | | Gebr Rottine - H | HUSKY | 16-09-2016 11:39:24,50 | 1.042,4672 |
1067 | NL-20160145 | | | Brouwers | | 16-09-2016 11:40:08,50 | 1.039,4110 |
1068 | NL-20161268 | | | PV de Luchtbode - A | Lua | 16-09-2016 11:49:57,50 | 1.000,1603 |
1069 | PT-20160876 | PT-6456820 | | José Gonçalves Araújo - A | | 16-09-2016 11:50:30,60 | 998,0423 |
1070 | BE-20160947 | BE-3116273 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - A | Kurt 4 | 16-09-2016 11:52:29,50 | 990,5076 |
1071 | DE-20161354 | DE-03252-17 | | Sterner / Bremkes | | 16-09-2016 11:52:43,10 | 989,6531 |
1072 | NL-20160224 | NL-1427794 | | Comb. Bleeker | | 16-09-2016 11:52:49,30 | 989,2639 |
1073 | NL-20160003 | NL-1417357 | | Aat & Pé Laan | | 16-09-2016 11:54:48,70 | 981,8299 |
1074 | ES-20161622 | | | Team Perla - D | | 16-09-2016 11:54:57,20 | 981,3049 |
1075 | SK-20161818 | SK-1408-1170 | | Vladimir Las | Jana | 16-09-2016 11:55:17,30 | 980,0657 |
1076 | NL-20160432 | | | Evert Antonides | Marathon 4 | 16-09-2016 11:59:01,70 | 966,4410 |
1077 | CH-20161235 | CH-6314240 | | Peixoto & Pimenta - B | | 16-09-2016 11:59:08,00 | 966,0639 |
1078 | BE-20160106 | | | Henk and Nicole de Weerd | | 16-09-2016 11:59:28,30 | 964,8510 |
1079 | FR-20161531 | | | Team Henry Sylvain | The 837 | 16-09-2016 12:05:53,80 | 942,3818 |
1080 | NL-20161469 | NL-1628820 | | Team de Brabantse Wal - A // Activated by Dutch Team | Aurea | 16-09-2016 12:07:04,80 | 938,3572 |
1081 | NL-20161031 | | | Marcel Sangers | | 16-09-2016 12:10:56,80 | 925,4426 |
1082 | BE-20160964 | BE-3116280 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - F | Raf 1 | 16-09-2016 12:13:04,20 | 918,5007 |
1083 | BE-20160950 | BE-3116269 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - B | Manu 4 | 16-09-2016 12:20:17,50 | 895,6509 |
1084 | NL-20160687 | | | Harrie Van Boxmeer | | 16-09-2016 12:20:51,10 | 893,9265 |
1085 | ES-20161662 | ES-87494 | | Team San José | | 16-09-2016 12:28:56,20 | 869,7494 |
1086 | DE-20160479 | DE-1638-008 | | Feuriger Fluegel Krosigk - B | Locke | 16-09-2016 12:36:38,10 | 847,9136 |
1087 | IT-20160378 | | | Eduard Van der Pijl | | 16-09-2016 12:36:38,70 | 847,8860 |
1088 | NL-20161265 | NL-1145154 | | PV de Luchtbode - A | Veldje | 16-09-2016 12:40:51,60 | 836,3894 |
1089 | BE-20161104 | | | Nicolas Norman - B // Activated by Pedro Miguel | | 16-09-2016 12:44:08,10 | 827,6696 |
1090 | PT-20161326 | PT-6013177 | | Silva & Serôdio - A | | 16-09-2016 12:45:07,40 | 825,0738 |
1091 | NL-20161651 | NL-1665675 | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - F | Phineas | 16-09-2016 12:50:04,10 | 812,3265 |
1092 | NL-20161269 | NL-1144271 | | PV de Luchtbode - B | Hansie | 16-09-2016 13:00:09,10 | 787,5168 |
1093 | BE-20160101 | | | Belgavet - Seiffert | | 16-09-2016 13:03:31,90 | 779,5362 |
1094 | PT-20160117 | PT-6247601 | | Blue Army & Luis - A | | 16-09-2016 13:20:40,60 | 741,4237 |
1095 | NL-20160338 | NL-1441729 | | Dutch One Loft Team - E | Wijsvingertje | 16-09-2016 13:23:50,10 | 734,8058 |
1096 | PT-20161323 | | | Serafim & Luis | | 16-09-2016 13:25:25,70 | 731,5117 |
1097 | PL-20161055 | | | Maziarz - Oczkowski - B | | 16-09-2016 13:33:01,10 | 716,2173 |
1098 | NL-20161667 | | | Team Seelen - Ellenbroek | Siny | 16-09-2016 13:33:29,80 | 715,2748 |
1099 | NL-20161036 | NL-1686888 | | Mark Van den Berg | MALJE 4 | 16-09-2016 13:40:05,00 | 702,5445 |
1100 | NL-20161419 | | | Team Blue Dragons - B | Blue Wonder | 16-09-2016 13:48:44,00 | 686,4989 |
1101 | US-20161301 | US-6197082 | | Roman Brothers & Asas do Algarve | | 16-09-2016 13:49:17,00 | 685,5034 |
1102 | DE-20160937 | DE-30942288 | | Klaus Stretz | | 16-09-2016 13:49:31,50 | 685,0669 |
1103 | NL-20161637 | | | Team Rien van Oss en Zn - B | Popey | 16-09-2016 14:01:22,60 | 664,3217 |
1104 | CZ-20160064 | CZ-32-407 | | Antonin Mayer | Tom | 16-09-2016 14:01:32,10 | 664,0530 |
1105 | NL-20160216 | NL-1867051 | | Comb. Beverdam - B | | 16-09-2016 14:11:54,60 | 646,9110 |
1106 | IE-20161498 | IE-S118157 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - E | Philo 2 | 16-09-2016 14:17:32,90 | 637,9611 |
1107 | PT-20161210 | | | Paulo, Delfim & Luis - H | | 16-09-2016 14:23:01,90 | 629,4917 |
1108 | BE-20160786 | BE-4115651 | | Ibryam Ayhan | Aykan | 16-09-2016 14:32:22,20 | 615,5740 |
1109 | UK-20160571 | UK-N88851 | | Geoff & Catherine Cooper | Ferme Supreme | 16-09-2016 15:03:20,00 | 573,5294 |
1110 | NL-20161399 | | | Team B.J. Sukmellies | | 16-09-2016 18:22:17,60 | 398,5937 |
1111 | IE-20161482 | IE-S118253 | | Team Dylan & Daniel Boylan - A | Kevin | 16-09-2016 18:22:33,40 | 398,4328 |
1112 | PT-20161251 | | | Pombal João Xavier | XAVIER 728 | 16-09-2016 18:22:39,10 | 398,3748 |
1113 | DE-20160933 | | | Klaus karlheim | Juan | 16-09-2016 18:22:43,60 | 398,3291 |
1114 | NL-20160534 | | | Gebr Rottine - E | JORIS | 16-09-2016 18:22:55,60 | 398,2070 |
1115 | NL-20160749 | NL-1870043 | | Hok M. Reijnen - J | | 16-09-2016 18:22:57,30 | 398,1898 |
1116 | NL-20161854 | | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - F | | 16-09-2016 18:22:59,20 | 398,1705 |
1117 | DE-20160673 | | | Team Ruhr – Thielen - A | | 16-09-2016 18:23:05,60 | 398,1054 |
1118 | PT-20160070 | | | Armando Rocha | | 16-09-2016 18:23:10,40 | 398,0567 |
1119 | NL-20160537 | | | Gebr Rottine - E | KONG | 16-09-2016 18:23:14,50 | 398,0150 |
1120 | NL-20161845 | | | Wegrestaurant Napoleon - D | | 16-09-2016 18:23:17,60 | 397,9836 |
1121 | UK-20160647 | UK-N74881 | | Gosmin and Jarvis | Black Bull | 16-09-2016 18:23:23,40 | 397,9247 |
1122 | NL-20160438 | NL-1559908 | | Fam. De Kruijf | Sem | 16-09-2016 18:23:40,90 | 397,7471 |
1123 | BE-20160567 | | | Gebr. Herbots | | 16-09-2016 18:23:42,40 | 397,7319 |
1124 | NL-20160552 | NL-1646430 | | Gebr Rottine - I | DREMER | 16-09-2016 18:23:47,10 | 397,6843 |
1125 | AT-20161386 | AT-503-614 | | Team Austria Wiefler - B | Gypsy One | 16-09-2016 18:24:36,20 | 397,1871 |
1126 | PT-20160127 | | | Blue Army & Luis - D | | 16-09-2016 18:40:12,00 | 387,9439 |
1127 | IT-20160471 | IT-101925 | | Fellegara Team | | 16-09-2016 18:51:25,30 | 381,5552 |
1128 | CH-20160048 | CH-5030 | | Alp Race Team | JONG CHEETAH | 16-09-2016 18:54:33,00 | 379,8116 |
1129 | NL-20160713 | NL-1870022 | | Hok M. Reijnen - A | | 16-09-2016 18:56:25,30 | 378,7759 |
1130 | NL-20160226 | NL-1127277 | | Comb. De Graaff | Tyson Gay | 16-09-2016 18:56:28,40 | 378,7474 |
1131 | ES-20160658 | | | Gran Canaria One loft Race | | 16-09-2016 18:57:58,30 | 377,9225 |
1132 | NL-20161435 | | | Team Blue Dragons - F | Geng4 | 16-09-2016 19:50:23,40 | 351,1663 |
1133 | NL-20160205 | NL-1173186 | | Comb. A. Mulder & Zn. - A | | 16-09-2016 20:04:07,60 | 344,7697 |
1134 | ES-20161599 | ES-69747 | | Team Octavio & Martin | | 16-09-2016 20:05:05,60 | 344,3283 |
1135 | UK-20161747 | UK-X61389 | | Team Wilton Uk - C | Beth | 17-09-2016 06:55:37,70 | 184,9707 |
1136 | RO-20161081 | RO-26029 | | Miahi Chirita - A | | 17-09-2016 08:06:12,50 | 176,1269 |
1137 | PT-20160836 | | | Derby Riachos - João Ferreira | | 17-09-2016 08:06:29,40 | 176,0933 |
1138 | PT-20161154 | | | Oxigen Plus - Carlos Teixeira | Carlos Miguel | 17-09-2016 08:11:37,40 | 175,4832 |
1139 | DE-20161753 | | | Team Wonderful / Rolfvon Well - A | Borussia | 17-09-2016 08:24:31,10 | 173,9691 |
1140 | PT-20161313 | | | Rui Coelho & David Mestre | | 17-09-2016 08:26:42,70 | 173,7142 |
1141 | PT-20161829 | PT-6334165 | | Os Barros - A | | 17-09-2016 08:27:04,50 | 173,6720 |
1142 | PT-20160702 | | | Hernani & Moisés | | 17-09-2016 08:29:48,00 | 173,3564 |
1143 | PT-20160895 | | | José Tavares & F. Costa | | 17-09-2016 08:55:03,10 | 170,4860 |
1144 | DE-20161581 | | | Team Mark Buse& Family - B | Little Girl 2 | 17-09-2016 09:02:09,10 | 169,6960 |
1145 | BE-20160402 | | | Emiel Denys - F | | 17-09-2016 09:14:22,80 | 168,3523 |
1146 | NL-20161096 | NL-1442157 | | Nico Pronk & Falco Ebben | | 17-09-2016 09:16:18,20 | 168,1429 |
1147 | NL-20160518 | NL-1646398 | | Gebr Rottine - A | NIMPIE | 17-09-2016 09:36:05,80 | 166,0178 |
1148 | NL-20160771 | | | Hok M. Reijnen - P | | 17-09-2016 10:09:37,00 | 162,5389 |
1149 | NL-20160546 | NL-1646388 | | Gebr Rottine - H | JAMES | 17-09-2016 10:26:19,90 | 160,8581 |
1150 | NL-20160370 | | | Dutch Team - B | Sunny Boy | 17-09-2016 10:31:13,90 | 160,3719 |
1151 | DE-20160455 | | | Familie Soellner - C | | 17-09-2016 10:57:08,80 | 157,8487 |
1152 | BE-20160967 | BE-3116316 | | Kurt en Raf Platteeuw - F | Raf 4 | 17-09-2016 11:36:45,10 | 154,1424 |
1153 | NL-20160685 | | | Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp | Liberté | 17-09-2016 11:53:16,60 | 152,6470 |
1154 | NL-20161429 | | | Team Blue Dragons - D | Geng3 | 17-09-2016 16:20:57,60 | 131,9154 |
1155 | PT-20160996 | | | Licínio Moura | | 17-09-2016 18:44:03,50 | 122,9862 |
1156 | AT-20161381 | | | Team Austria Wiefler - A | Gaby 2 | 17-09-2016 18:44:59,70 | 122,9317 |
1157 | NL-20161862 | NL-1311017 | | Will & Falco Ebben | | 17-09-2016 18:45:09,90 | 122,9219 |